Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina

Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina

The Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina (EDUSC) is a diocese in the Episcopal Church of the United States of America (ECUSA).

The diocese includes the more than 60 congregations in the Upstate (northwestern) and Midlands regions of the U.S. state of South Carolina. [cite web |url=http://www.episcopalchurch.org/directory_11337_ENG_HTM.htm |title=Diocese of Upper South Carolina |publisher=The Episcopal Church |accessdate=2007-05-10] There are five convocations in the diocese: Midlands (Columbia area), Catawba (Lancaster area), Reedy River (Greenville area), Gravatt (Aiken area), and Piedmont (Spartanburg areas). [cite web |url=http://edusc.org/Diocese/Diocesan%20Structure.pdf |title=Diocesan Structure |publisher=Diocese of Upper South Carolina |accessdate=2007-05-10]

Originally part of the Diocese of South Carolina, it became independent on October 10 - 11, 1922 following nearly two years of planning.cite book |last=Clarke |first=Philip G. |title=A Brief History of the Diocese of Upper South Carolina: Fiftieth Anniversary Year, 1922-1972 |year=1972] The see city is Columbia. Its cathedral is Trinity Cathedral. ["The Episcopal Church Annual". Morehouse Publishing: New York, NY (2001)]

The Bishop Gravatt Center, the diocese's retreat and summer camp site, began service in 1949.


Bishops of this diocese:
#Kirkman George Finlay, 1922-1938
#John James Gravatt, 1939-1953
#Clarence Alfred Cole, 1953-1963
#John Adams Pinckney, 1963-1972
#George Moyer Alexander, 1973-1979
#William Arthur Beckham, 1979-1995
#Dorsey Felix Henderson, Jr., 1995-present. ["The Episcopal Church Annual". Morehouse Publishing: New York, NY (2001)]


External links

* [http://edusc.org/ The Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina.]
* [http://www.bishopgravatt.org/ The Bishop Gravatt Center.]

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