Cryptantha affinis

Cryptantha affinis
Cryptantha affinis
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Asterids
Order: (unplaced)
Family: Boraginaceae
Genus: Cryptantha
Species: C. affinis
Binomial name
Cryptantha affinis
(A.Gray) Greene

Cryptantha affinis is a flowering annual plant occurring in open areas of the coniferous forest. It is a member of the Boraginaceae family. It occurs at elevation ranges between 7002900 m. Cryptantha species occur with other genera such as Clarkia, Hesperolinon, Lasthenia, Lupinus, Mimulus and Phacelia [5].



Cryptantha affinis is native to California. Its distribution is from the Klamath, North coast, and Cascade Mountain Ranges. It also occurs in the Sierra Nevada, San Bernardino, and Warner Mountains and as far as Washington to Wyoming [2].


C. affinis is an annual ranging from 540 cm in height. Stems are simple with little or no branching. Stems have stiff hairs lying parallel to the stem surface. Hairs also may curve upward slightly [2].

Leaves are short and oblanceolate to oblong. Leaf size ranges from 14 cm. Leaf arrangement is opposite below and alternate above. Upper leave appear more oblong to lanceolate.

Flowers are terminal and elongated when in fruit. Flowers are radial and can be open or dense in contact from side to side. Sepals are free. Flower color is generally white. Flowers are fused and lobed at the tip of the tube.

Fruits are smooth ovate nutlets. Nutlets are in a group of four about 2 mm. Fruit shape is ovate. Fruits are smooth and shiny and black in color. Fruits are grooved and sometimes forked at the basal region.

Most plants appear to be toxic due to their high levels of alkaloids and nitrates.


C. affinis physiology appears to be influenced by nutrients of Deer excretions. Increased photosynthesis and higher plant nitrogen levels have been observed in habitats frequented by Mule Deer, Antelope, and Elk. Higher nutrients appear to increase growth and reproduction in wet years. In dry years survival is increased by the shading of Cryptantha by the presence of large shrubs. Although shading increases survival in dry years, in wet years growth and reproduction seem to be reduced even when nutrient levels in the soil are high [4].

Cryptantha species are dominant annuals in a wide range of habitats [1]. In habitats where Cryptantha is a dominant species, fire intensity reduces its density [3].


1. Gebauer, L.E. Renate; James R. Ehleringer, 2000. Water and nitrogen uptake patterns following moisture pulses in a cold desert community. Ecology, 81: 5, pp14151424.

2. Green, A.; Greene. Jepson Manual treatment for Cryptantha affiinis. Jepson Flora Project Interchange, Regents of the University of California. [Online],,2057,2058

3. Moreno, M. Jose; Walter C. Oechel, 1991. Fire intensity effects on germination of shrubs and herbs in Southern California chaparral. Ecology, 72:6, pp19932004.

4. Peek, S. Michael; Irwin N. Forseth, 2003. Microhabitat dependent responses to resource pulses in the arid land perennial, Cryptantha flava. Journal of Ecology, 91: 457-456.

5. Raven, H. Peter; Daniel I. Axelrod. Origin and relationships of the California Flora. University of California Publications in Botany 72. Sacramento CA: University of California Press: 1977, p27.

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