- Calvin C. Girvin
Cryxtan eventually gave Girvin a very brief and not very coherent account of the ancient history of the earth. This history, which has Venusians interbreeding with both terrestrial and extraterrestrial animals, and some of the extraterrestrial animals eventually retreating tocaverns deep inside the earth where they now strive to be a negative influence on human affairs, owes a great debt to the
Shaver Mystery hoax and to Helena P.Blavatsky 'stales of the Venusian "Lords of the Flame" and their troubles with apelike Lemuriansin earth's remote prehistory.External links
* [http://users.ev1.net/~seektress/believe.htm A LOOK magazine account, from 1966, mentions Girvin attending and speaking at the Giant Rock Spacecraft Convention]
* [http://www.thewhyfiles.net/adamski.htm Another one-sentence mention of Girvan within a discussion of 1950s contactees]
* [https://webspace.utexas.edu/cokerwr/www/index.html/sbrothers.shtml An overview of 1950s contactees]
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