- Becky (talento)
birthdate = birth date and age|1984|03|6
location =Kanagawa ,Japan
nationality = flag|Japan|Japanese
yearsactive = 1999-present
height = height|m=1.57
haircolor = Black
eyecolor = Hazel
measurements =
weight =
dress size =
shoesize =
agency = SunMusic.Co,Ltd
alias = Nihongo|Bekiko|べき子
homepage = http://www.sunmusic.org/becky/History
Debuted as a regular on the popular children's show
Oha-Suta in 1999 reading out the English names of variousPokémon characters in a section of the show called "Pokémon: The World."She became a popular
mascot of the show, and eventually started landing spots on various Japanesevariety show s. Ontelevision , she has also appeared in numerous commercials and has lent her voice to the characters of manyanime shorts and movies.She graduated from
Tokyo 's Asia University with a degree inbusiness administration in March 2006.Fact|date=September 2008Television
Television series
* "Nodame Cantabile Special Lesson (Europe Special)" (のだめカンタービレ) (Fuji TV, 2008)
* "Walkers" (ウォーカーズ) (NHK, 2006)
* "Anna-san no Omame " (アンナさんのおまめ) (TV Asahi, 2006)
* "Detective Conan" (名探偵コナン) (YTV, 2006)
* "Taiyou no Uta" (タイヨウのうた) (TBS, 2006)
* "Toritsu Mizusho! " (都立水商!) (NTV, 2006)
* "Yaoh " (夜王) (TBS, 2006, in episode three)
* "Rondo" (輪舞曲) (TBS, 2006)
* "Hikeshiya Komachi " (火消し屋小町) (NHK, 2004)
* "Ace o Nerae! " (エースをねらえ!) (TV Asahi, 2004)
* "Stand Up!! " (TBS, 2003)
* "Blue Moshiku wa Blue " (ブルーもしくはブルー) (NHK, 2003)
* "Boku no Mahou Tsukai " (ぼくの魔法使い) (NTV, 2003)
* "Two Hand Man " (ツーハンマン) (TV Asahi, 2002)
* "Ultraman Cosmos " (ウルトラマンコスモス) (TBS, 2001)
* "Churasan " (ちゅらさん) (NHK, 2001)Guest starring
Becky is currently a regular guest on the following programs:
*ポケモン☆サンデー (Pokémon Sunday, "Pokemon sandee") on TX
*はなまるマーケット (Hanamaru Market, "Hanamaru maaketto") on TBS
*月光音楽団 (Moonlight Orchestra, "Gekkō ongaku-dan") on TBS
*天才!志村どうぶつ園 (Genius! Shimura Zoo, "Tensai! Shimura dōbutsu-en") on NTV
*きよしとこの夜 (This evening with Kiyoshi, "Kiyoshi to kono yoru") on NHK
*わたしのきもち (How I Feel, "Watashi no kimochi") on NHK modelling face exercises (顔たいそ, "kao taiso")
*中居正広の金曜日のスマたちへ (Masahiro Nakai 's ToSMAP on Friday, "Nakai Masahiro no kin'yō-bi no suma-tachi e") on TBS
*たべごろマンマ! ("Tabegoro manma") on NTV
*ぴったんこカンカン ("Pittanko kankan") on TBS as a semi-regular
*世界の果てまでイッテQ! (To the ends of the earth go and Q, "Sekai no hate made itte Q!") on NTVMovies
* The Simpsons Movie (Japanese Voice over for Lisa)
* Makoto (2005)
* Mask 2 (2005)
* Hello! Oswald (2001)Discography
Becky also has released a few singles and CDs over the past few years:
*Tribute to Avril Lavigne (October 25 2006 ):*SK8ER BOI (track 10)
*向日葵 (Sunflower, "himawari") (February 2 2006 )
#向日葵 (Sunflower, "himawari")
#deco boco
#チョコ ("choko")
*ハロー!サンキュー! (Hello! Thankyou!, "harō! sankyū!") (April 29 2004 )
*act4 (compilation album) (2004)
*伝説のスタフィー (Legendary Stafy, "Densetsu no Stafy") (2002) a GBA title developed byTOSE and published byNintendo only in Japan.:*さらら ("Sarara") (December 4 2002 ):*ホリケンサイズⅡ (Horiken Size 2, "Horiken saizu ni")
*おはスタよりパラパラユニット (Oha-suta'sPara Para unit, "Oha-suta yori parapara unitto") (2000):*ゾナパラ ("Zona para") (August 19 2000 ) with Becky as "Zobecca"
*ピカチュウたんけんたい (Pikachu Exporation Party, "Pikachū tanken-tai") (1999):*そらとぶポケモンキッズ (Pokémon Kids Fly in the Sky, "Sora-tobu pokemon kidzu") (July 17 1999 )References
External links
* [http://www.sunmusic.org/becky/ Becky's official page on Sun Music] ja icon
* [http://www.beckytheworld.com/ Becky the World] ja icon
*imdb name|id=2114691|name=Becky
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