

Barentsburg ( _ru. Баренцбург) is the second largest settlement on Svalbard, with about 400 inhabitants, almost entirely Russians and Ukrainians. The Russian-owned Arktikugol has been mining coal here since 1932, and during the Cold War Barentsburg was a veritable hotbed of activity as the Russians attempted to expand their zone of control over the islands.


Although Svalbard is under Norwegian sovereignty, the unique Svalbard Treaty of 1920 allows citizens of signatory countries equal rights to exploit natural resources. Currently, Russia is the only country to maintain such a presence. Russia maintains a consulate in Barentsburg.

Economic basis

to Barentsburg is about 55 km but there are no roads connecting the two settlements. Most contact between the two is by boat.

Coal is still mined in Barentsburg and regualarly exported to (generally) buyers within Northern Europe. The town relies entirely on mainland Russia for food and coinage. There have been instances in which not enough food was sent, and aid packages were sent from Longyearbyen. Also, the coal company has been known not to pay employees until they finish their three-year contract and return to Russia.Fact|date=February 2007 Tourism is still only an embryonic industry and is not generating enough income to revive the town. In this respect it must also compete with neighbouring Longyearbyen, which has a well-established 'adventure tourism' industry and provides superior facilities and infrastructure.

During the Soviet era, Barentsburg was used as a poster-child for communism in the Arctic region, and as such was well-maintained and populated. However, following the collapse of the USSR, Kremlin funding was significantly reduced and the town consequently fell into decay, and today is a mere shadow of its former self. Its outward image is depressingly run-down in comparison to its lively and prosperous neighbour Longyearbyen, and its population continues to decline.

2006 Fire

On October 17, 2006 Norwegian inspectors detected an underground, smoldering fire in Barentsburg, prompting fears that an open fire might break out [] , which would have forced the evacuation of all of Barentsburg for an indefinite period of time, and also cause unknown environment problems for the entire archipelago. As of November 3, the fire seemed to be contained, but there were lingering concerns about the mining company, Arktikugol Trust's lack of equipment to handle the problem [] .

Notable Inhabitants

The ballerina Maya Plisetskaya spent her childhood in Barentsberg.


* [ "The Economist": Arctic Norway - The Big Chill]

External links

* [ Barentsburg Research Base] Official site
* [ Barentsburg Cosmic Ray Station] from the [ Polar Geophysical Institute]
* [ Map and guide, with photos] in English. [ Japanese] version of site.
* [ Barentsburg photos] from [ Galen R Frysinger site]
* [ Many photos of Barentsburg] on this flickr lsite
* [ More photos of Barentsburg] from [ a Svalbard site]
* [ Story on Barentsburg] from the BBC, December 25, 2006.

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