Hayim David HaLevi

Hayim David HaLevi

Rabbi Hayim David HaLevi (24 January 1924 – 10 March 1998), also written Haim David ha-Levi, etc. (הרב חיים דוד הלוי), was Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv-Jaffa. He was born in Jerusalem and studied under Rabbi Ben-Zion Meir Hai Uziel at the Porat Yosef Yeshiva. When R. Uziel was appointed Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel, he hired R. HaLevi as his personal secretary and as a close student. He then served as the rabbi of various cities in Israel:

  • Romema, Jerusalem.
  • Served in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) during 1948 Arab-Israeli War
  • Rishon Le-Zion (as Chief Rabbi of that city, 1951–1973)
  • Israel's Chief Rabbinate Council (beginning in 1964)
  • Tel Aviv-Jaffa (beginning in 1973, taking over from R. Ovadia Yosef).



In 1997, HaLevi was awarded the Israel Prize, for Rabbinical studies.[1]

R. HaLevi's books

  • Mekor Hayim haShalem, a five-volume account of Jewish law and practice with reasons, in easy language.
  • Kitzur Shulchan Arukh Mekor Hayim, a one-volume digest of the above code giving practical conclusions only.
  • Aseh L'kha Rav, a collection of responsa.

R. HaLevi was known for his clear-headed approach to halakha, particularly those relating to the Jewish state. Though unquestionably tied to Sephardi minhag, liturgy and halakha, R. HaLevi also includes Ashkenazi halakhic positions and customs in his books and responsa.


Further reading

See also

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