- IEC 60027
IEC 60027 (formerly IEC 27) is the
International Electrotechnical Commission 's standard on "Letter symbols to be used in electrical technology". It consists of several parts:* IEC 60027-1: General
* IEC 60027-2: Telecommunications and electronics
* IEC 60027-3: Logarithmic and related quantities, and their units
* IEC 60027-4: Symbols for quantities to be used for rotating electrical machines
* IEC 60027-6: Control technology
* IEC 60027-7: Physiological quantities and unitsA closely related international standard on quantities and units is
ISO 31 . The ISO 31 and IEC 60027 Standards are being revised by the two standardization organizations in collaboration. The revised harmonized standard is known asISO/IEC 80000 , Quantities and units. It supersedes both ISO 31 and part of IEC 60027.Binary prefixes
A 1999 addendum to IEC 60027-2 on binary prefixes has resulted in some public interest in the standard and is still being widely discussed in the computer community, as it attempts to finally settle the confusion about whether a
kilobit corresponds to 1000 bits or 1024 bits.The harmonized
ISO /IEC standard cancels and replaces subclauses 3.8 and 3.9 of IEC 60027-2:2005 (those defining Prefixes for binary multiples).External links
*" [http://www.iec.ch/cgi-bin/procgi.pl/www/iecwww.p?wwwlang=E&wwwprog=sea22.p&search=iecnumber&header=IEC&pubno=60027&part=&se=&number=&searchfor=&ics= Reference IEC 60027] " (IEC Catalog, www.iec.ch)
*" [http://domino.iec.ch/preview/info_iec60027-2{ed3.0}b.pdf INTERNATIONAL STANDARD CEI IEC 60027-2 Troisième édition (2005-08); Letter symbols to be used in electrical technology – Part 2: Telecommunications and electronics] " (preview document, broken link)
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.