Harriet Cohen International Music Award

Harriet Cohen International Music Award

The Harriet Cohen International Music Award was founded in 1951 by Sir Arnold Bax and others in 1951, in honour of the British pianist Harriet Cohen.



*Ingrid HaeblerBeethoven Medal

* Donald BellArnold Bax Memorial Medal, outstanding student from the Commonwealth [ [http://www.sonybmgmasterworks.com/artists/artist_48.html?artist_name=donald_bell Donald Bell] ]
* Jacques Klein
* Kenneth Schermerhorn [ [http://www.artsjournal.com/adaptistration/archives/2005/04/nashville_symph.html Nashville Symphony's Music Director Passes Away] ] [ [http://www.nashvillesymphony.org/main.taf?p=2,2,1 Nashville Symphony - The Late Kenneth Schermerhorn] ]

* Mario delli PontiBach Medal [ [http://www.iicsydney.esteri.it/NR/rdonlyres/F7E44692-78FF-44A0-82CA-3BC8F647097E/13853/InvitoMariodelliPonti2.pdf Concert brochure] ]
* Adam Harasiewicz, for outstanding achievement in piano [ [http://www.ddg.art.pl/chopin/jury/harasiew.html International Frederic Chopin Piano Competition] ] [ [http://www.associazionesarro.org/musicisti_dettaglio_eng.php?d=36&lnk=5 Associazione musicale culturale Domenico Sarro] ]

* Ahmet Adnan SaygunJean Sibelius Composition Medal [ [http://mssf.bilkent.edu.tr/eng/adnan.htm Adnan Saygun] ]
* Miguel Querol GavaldaGold Medal
* Peter-Lukas Graf

* Theo Bruins
* Glenn GouldBach Medal [ [http://www.glenngould.ca/conference/2007/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=44&Itemid=59 Biography of Glenn Gould] ] [ [http://www.collectionscanada.ca/glenngould/028010-306.1-e.html Memorabilia: Medals] ]
* Luis Garcia-RenartCello Prize [ [http://music.bard.edu/html/faculty.html Making Music at Bard] ]


* Joaquín AchúcarroBest Debut of the Year [ [http://www.teatrocervantes.com/espectaculo_en.php?id=346 Teatro Cervantes] ]
* Piet KeeBach Medal [ [http://www.donemus.nl/componist.php?id=462&lang=EN Piet Kee] ]
* Bogdan PaprockiOpera Medal [ [http://www.teatrwielki.pl/readme.php?book=wiadomosci&book_id=796&book_name=wiadomosc_42&nlang=en Bogdan Paprocki] ]

* Aafje Heynisoutstanding artistry [ [http://www.dutchdivas.net/aafje_english.html Aafje Heynis] ]
* Oscar MischiatiA. Davison Memorial Medal for Musicology

* Barbara Hesse-BukowskaBritish Medal [ [http://www.usc.edu/dept/polish_music/news/mar99.html Polish Music Reference Center] ] [ [http://www.hipic.jp/5th/past/4th/eng/jury03.html Barbara Hesse-Bukowska] ]
* Byron JanisBeethoven Medal (for best performance of two Beethoven Sonatas, the "Waldstein" and Opus 109) [ [http://masterscholars.med.nyu.edu/Faculty/HonoraryBios.html Honorary Master Scholar Biographical Sketches] ] [ [http://www.uri-geller.com/janis1.htm Byron JanisFirsts or Distinctions] ]
* Arve Tellefsen [ [http://www.arvetellefsen.no/eng/utm.html Arve Tellefsen] ]
*Yaltah Menuhin / Joel Ryce [ [http://www.yaltahmenuhin.com/Biography.html Yaltah Menuhin Biography] (page 5)]

* Vladimir AshkenazyPiano Prize (shared)
* Norma FisherPiano Prize (shared) [Royal Northern College of Music [http://www.rncm.ac.uk/?_id=356 Norma Fisher] ]
* Louise TalmaSibelius Medal for Composition [ [http://www.omnidisc.com/Talma/Biography.html Louise Talma: Biography] ]
* Gloria SaarinenCommonwealth Medal [ [http://famouscanadianwomen.com/on%20the%20job/musicians.htm Famous Canadian Women] ]
* Francis ChagrinFilm Composer of the Year [ [http://www.chesternovello.com/default.aspx?TabId=2431&State_2905=2&ComposerId_2905=248 Francis Chagrin] ]

* Bernadette Greevy [ [http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/obituaries/2008/1004/1222959347156.html "The Irish Times", "Mezzo' s talent matched by uncompromising principles", October 4, 2008] ]
* Nelson Freire

* Martin IseppCarroll Donner Stuchell Medal for Accompanying [ [http://www.nationaloperastudio.org.uk/staffbiogs/isepp.htm Martin Isepp] ]

* Marie Collier [Philippa Johnson, "Top honour for Marie", The Herald (Melbourne), 19th January 1967, p18]
* Waleri Gradow (Valery Gradow) [ [http://www.ticinomusica.com/CV/CVGradowENG.htm Valery Gradow] ] [ [http://www.muho-mannheim.de/personal/Bios/gradow-waleri.htm Waleri Gradow] ]
* Ronald Stevensonfor Busoni centenary radio programme (possibly award year was 1967) [ [http://www.ronaldstevensonsociety.org.uk/Actual_Index.asp?Color=669966&BG= Ronald Stevenson Society] ]

* José-Luis Garcia [ [http://www.summermusicontheshannon.com/faculty/jose-luis-garcia.html José-Luis Garcia (Violin/Conductor) resumé] ]

* Roger SmalleyContemporary music performance [ [http://www.nmcrec.co.uk/?page=composers/composer.html&id=139 Roger Smalley] ]
* Maureen Forresterthe Council's Prize [The Canadian Encyclopedia [http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/index.cfm?PgNm=TCE&Params=U1ARTU0001255 Maureen Forrester] ]
* William MathiasBax Society Prize [Oxford University Press [http://www.oup.co.uk/music/repprom/mathias/ William Mathias] ]


*Roger Owens [ [http://www.claudiorecords.com/lisztpianoworks.html Franz Liszt Piano Works] ]

21st century

* Ilid Jones [ [http://www.maslink.co.uk/cvs/oboes/jones(ilid).htm Ilid Jones] ]

* Cheryl Frances-Hoad (joint winner) [ [http://www.cherylfranceshoad.co.uk/bio/bio.html Cheryl Frances-Hoad] ]

* Victoria Davies, harpist [ [http://www.music.ox.ac.uk/newsletter/Jan_2006/alumni.htm Alumni Page] ]

Dates not yet determined

*Diane AndersenBach Medal [ [http://diane-andersen.org/cveng.htm Diane Andersen] ]
*Sebastian BendaBach Medal [ [http://www.naxos.com/artistinfo/983.htm Sebastian Benda] ]
*Idil BiretDinu Lipatti gold medal [ [http://www.allegrovivo.org/focus_eng/default.asp?id=125 Allegro Vivo - jury] ]
*Jennifer Bullock [ [http://www.fleuri.co.uk/biographies.php Fleuri biographies] ]
*Edwin Carr
*Maria Clodes (Maria Clodes-Jaguaribe) – best young pianist of the year [ [http://www.nepta.info/meetings/biographies.html NEPTA Speaker Biographies for Monthly Meetings] ]
*Paul Max Edlin [ [http://www.dealfestival.co.uk/start/director.html Deal Summer Music Festival] ]
*Philippe EntremontPiano Medal [ [http://www.arts.ufl.edu/icpa/11-17_PIANO_BROCHURE.pdf Fondation BellArte] ]
*Christopher Green-Armytage [UEA School of Music [http://www.uea.ac.uk/mus/staff/insttut.html Instrumental Tutors] ]
*Jerome Jelinekcello
*Fernande KaeserBeethoven Prize [ [http://www.umassmag.com/winter_2003/in_memoriam.html In Memoriam] ]
*Fernando LairesBeethoven Medal (in memory of Artur Schnabel) [Eastman School of Music: [http://www.esm.rochester.edu/faculty/?id=98 Fernando Laires] ]
*Aase Nordmo Løvberg (Gold medal for singing) [ [http://www.ballade.no/nmi.nsf/doc/art2005102412002256595101 Nordprofil: Tale til Nordmo Løvberg] ]
*Elizabeth Powell [Sydney Conservatorium of Music: [http://www.music.usyd.edu.au/about/units/staff/keyboard.shtml#epowell Elizabeth Powell] ]
*Yonty SolomonBeethoven Medal [ [http://www.iosoc.org/soloists.htm Past Soloists] ]
*Abbey Simon [Moores School of Music: [http://www.music.uh.edu/people/simon.html Abbey Simon] ]
*Erna Spoorenberg
*Koji ToyodaBach medal [ [http://www.suzukimethod.or.jp/english/E_mthd42.html World renowned teaching staff of the International Academy of the Suzuki Method] ]
*Valerie Tryon [ [http://www.mcmaster.ca/ua/opr/courier/nov600/news.html Honorary degree recipients] ]
*Elena VorotkoBach Prize [ [http://www.intermission.org.uk/elena.htm Elena Vorotko] ]
*Ronald Woodcock [ [http://www.nac.gov.sg/Data/news/243/(M)%20PR_NPVC2005%20Competition%20Starts.doc National Piano and Violin Competition 2005] (Word document)]


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