Canada Gazette

Canada Gazette

The "Canada Gazette" is an official publication by the government of Canada that publishes all laws and Orders-in-Council issued by the government. It also contains other information on things such as hearing and tribunals, proposed changes and any thing else the government feels should be told to the public in the time period stated in the Statutory Instruments Regulations. It is administered by Public Works and Government Services Canada by the Queen's Printer since 1841.

It is published in three parts. One issue is published each Saturday containing all government appointments, public notices, and proposals. Part II is published every second Wednesday and it contains changes to regulations from January 1, 1955. Part III is published with the text of any new laws immediately after they have received Royal Assent and was first published in 1974. Starting from January 1998 all publications other than Part III are available in HTML and are not official. From April 1, 2003, the PDF version is an official version, as it is marked up from the same file as the printed version.

The "Gazette" is not widely read with only some media, government, and businesses paying close attention. It is however important as once a law or regulation is noted in the "Gazette", ignorance of it is no longer a legal defence.

Canada's provinces all have their own versions of the "Gazette".

External links

* [ Official website] (with all copies online from 1998 onwards)
* [ Canada Gazette June 1868 - December 1878]

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