Water buffalo rumen ecology

Water buffalo rumen ecology

Water or Swamp Buffalo rumen ecology refers to the ecology of the rumen (the first chamber of the digestive system of a rudiment) of the water buffalo ("Bubalus bubalis")

The rumen of the water buffalo has important differences to that of other ruminants. It consists of essential microorganisms; namely bacteria, protozoa and fungi which digest the food to produce fermentation end-products via anaerobic fermentation or Embden-Myerhof pathway.

The buffalo rumen has been found to contain a larger population of bacteria particularly the cellulolytic bacteria, lower protozoa and higher fungi zoospores. In addition, higher rumen ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) and higher pH have been found as compared to those in cattle.

ee also

* Domestic Water Buffalo
* List of Domestic Asian Water buffalo breeds
* Wild Asiatic Water Buffalo


* Ruangprim, T. et al.2007. rumen microbes and ecology of male dairy, beef cattle and buffaloes. In Proc. Animal Science Annual Meeting, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen 40002,Thailand.

* Thu, Nguyen Van and T.R. Preston. 1999. Rumen environment and feed degradability in swamp buffaloes fed different supplements. Livestock Research for Rural Development 11(3),http://www.cipav.org.co/lrrd/lrrd11/3/thu113.htm

* Wanapat, M. 2000. Rumen manipulation to increase the efficient use of local feed resources and productivity of ruminants in the tropics. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 13(Suppl.):59-67.

* Wanapat,M. 2001. Swamp buffalo rumen ecology and its manipulation. Proceedings Buffalo Workshop, http://www.mekarn.org/procbuf/wanapat.htm

* Wanapat, M. et al. 2000. A comparative study on the rumen microbial population of cattle and swamp buffalo raised under traditional village conditions in the norteast of Thailand. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 13: 918-921.

* Wanapat, M. and P. Rowlinson. 2007. Nutrition and feeding of swamp buffalo: Feed resources and rumen approach. Paper to be presented at the VIII World Buffalo Congress, October 19-22, 2007, Caserta, Italy, organized by The International Buffalo Federation.

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