

Infobox Ort in Deutschland
image_photo = Kropstaedt_castle1.jpg
Wappen =
lat_deg = 51 |lat_min = 58 |lat_sec = 00
lon_deg = 12 |lon_min = 43 |lon_sec = 59
Lageplan =
Bundesland = Sachsen-Anhalt
Landkreis = Wittenberg
Verwaltungsgemeinschaft = Elbaue-Fläming
Höhe = 107
Fläche = 32.13
Einwohner = 1315
Stand = 2006-12-31
PLZ = 06895
Vorwahl = 034920
Kfz = WB
Gemeindeschlüssel = 15 0 91 185
Adresse-Verband = Karl-Marx-Platz 8
06895 Zahna
Bürgermeister = Peter Ackermann

Kropstädt is a municipality in Wittenberg district in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. The municipality belongs to the administrative municipality ("Verwaltungsgemeinschaft") of Elbaue-Fläming, whose seat is in the town of Zahna.


Kropstädt lies about 12 km northeast of Lutherstadt Wittenberg in the Fläming and is part of the Fläming Nature Park, which was opend in 2005.

Economy and transportation

Federal Highway ("Bundesstraße") B 2 from Wittenberg to Berlin runs right through the community.


*Castle Kropstädt with garden, built around 1850 on the place of the former water castle Liesnitz, which was built in 1150.


*Hans-Eckardt Wenzel, born 31 July 1955 is a German singer-songwriter, musician and lyricist.

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