Presbyterorum Ordinis

Presbyterorum Ordinis

"Presbyterorum Ordinis", the Decree on the Ministry and Life of Priests, is one of the documents produced by the Second Vatican Council. Promulgated by Pope Paul VI on December 7, 1965, it had been earlier approved by the assembled bishops by a vote of 2,390 to 4. The title means "Order of Priests" in Latin, and is taken from the first line of the decree, as is customary for such documents in the Catholic Church.


# Preface "(1)"
# The Priesthood in the Ministry of the Church "(2-3)"
# The Ministry of Priests "(4-11)"
## Priests' Functions (4-6)
## Priests' Relationships with Others (7-9)
## The Distribution of Priests, and Vocations to the Priesthood (10-11)
# The Life of Priests "(12-21)"
## The Vocation of Priests to the Life of Perfection (12-14)
## Special Spiritual Requirements in the Life of a Priest (15-17)
## Aids to the Life of Priests (18-21)
# Conclusion and Exhortation "(22)"


Priests are sacraments of faith, prefigured in the person of Melchizedek, and must themselves be dispensers of a life other than earthly life; they must not seek to please men but rather must follow Christian doctrine and life and strive always for holiness and voluntary poverty. Deriving authority from Christ within the hierarchical church, priests provide the ministry by which the spiritual sacrifice of the faithful is made perfect, in union with the sacrifice of Christ. Their own spiritual sacrifice is key, including the celebration of the mystery of the Holy Eucharist — the greatest task of priests — and the recitation of the Divine office (see Breviary), the voice of the Church, together with Christ, making intercession. Prayer, example, and penance enable the church to exercise a true motherhood toward all souls who are to be led to Christ, irrespective of nationality, blood, or time. Priests must help the faithful to know and love the liturgy, and for their own part must ever strive to perfect their knowledge of divine and secular affairs. Perfect and perpetual continence is suitable for the priesthood in many ways, and prefigures the world to come, in which the children of the resurrection neither marry nor take wives. The dispenser of the mysteries of God can see himself in the man who sowed his field, of whom the Lord said: "then sleep and rise, night and day, and the seed should sprout without his knowing" (Mk [ 4:27] ).

External links

* [] The full text in English is available at the Vatican website.

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