Circumflex scapular artery — Artery: Circumflex scapular artery The scapular and circumflex arteries. (Scapular circumflex visible at center.) … Wikipedia
Circulatory anastomosis — A circulatory anastomosis is a connection (an anastomosis) between two blood vessels, such as between arteries (arterio arterial anastomosis), between veins (veno venous anastomosis) or between an artery and a vein (arterio venous anastomosis).… … Wikipedia
Arterial tree — In anatomy, arterial tree is used to refer to all arteries and/or the branching pattern of the arteries. This article regards the human arterial tree. Starting from the aorta: Contents 1 Ascending aorta 1.1 right coronary artery 1.2 left coronary … Wikipedia
Profunda brachii — Artery: Profunda brachii Diagram of the anastomosis around the elbow joint. (A. profunda brachii labeled at upper right.) Latin arteria profunda brachii Gray s … Wikipedia
Common interosseous artery — Artery: Common interosseous artery Diagram of the anastomosis around the elbow joint … Wikipedia
Dorsal carpal arch — Artery: Dorsal carpal arch Arteries of the back of the forearm and hand.(Dorsal radial carpal labeled at bottom right.) Latin rete carpale dorsale Gray s … Wikipedia
Posterior interosseous artery — Artery: Posterior interosseous artery Arteries of the back of the forearm and hand. (Dorsal interosseus labeled at center right.) … Wikipedia
Deep palmar arch — Artery: Deep palmar arch Palm of left hand, showing position of skin creases and bones, and surface markings for the volar arches … Wikipedia
Common palmar digital arteries — Artery: Common palmar digital arteries Palmar view of the left hand, showing the common palmar digital arteries in context. Latin arteriae digitales palmares communes, arteriae digitales volares communes … Wikipedia
Dorsal metacarpal arteries — Artery: Dorsal metacarpal arteries Arteries of the back of the forearm and hand. (Dorsal metacarpal visible at bottom center.) Latin arteriae metacarpales dorsales Gray s … Wikipedia