Amyntas of Galatia

Amyntas of Galatia

Amyntas (from the Greek transcription "Ἀμύντας"), Tetrarch of the Trocmi was a King of Galatia and several of the adjacent countries between 36 BC and 25 BC, mentioned by Strabo [Strabo, "Geographia", xii] as contemporary with himself. He was the son of Brogitarix, King of Galatia and his wife, a Princess of Galatia. He seems to have first possessed Lycaonia, where he maintained more than 300 flocks. [Ibid.] To this he added the territory of Derbe by the murder of its prince, Antipater of Derbe, the friend of Cicero [Cicero, "Ad Familiares", xiii. 73] , and Isaura and Cappadocia by Roman favour. Originally he had been the king of Cappadocia Deiotarus secretary (γραμματευς), and was made by Amyntas commander in chief (στρατηγoς) of the Galatian auxiliaries sent to help Brutus and Cassius against the Triumvires, but deserted to Mark Anthony just before the battle of Philippi (42 BC).

After the death of Deiotarus, [Strabo, ibid.] he was made king of Cappadocia in 37 BC as a client ruler of Mark Anthony. Plutarch enumerates him among the adherents of Mark Antony at Actium and is mentioned as deserting to Octavian, just be­fore the battle (31 BC). [Plutarch, "Parallel Lives", "Mark Anthony", [*.html#61 61] , [*.html#63 63] ]

While pursuing his schemes of aggrandizement, and endeavouring to reduce the refractory highlanders around him, Amyntas made himself master of Homonada [Strabo, ibid.] , or Hoinona [Pliny, "Naturalis Historia", [ v. 27] ] , and slew the prince of that place; but his death was avenged by his widow, and Amyntas fell a victim in 25 BC to an ambush which she laid for him. [Strabo, ibid.] On his death Galatia became a Roman province.

He was the father of Artemidoros of the Trocmi, a Nobleman at Galatia, Asia Minor, who married a Princess of the Tectosagi, the daughter of Amyntas, Tetrarch of the Tectosagii, and they were the parents of Gaius Julius Severus, a Nobleman from Akmonia at Galatia, in turn the father of Gaius Julius Bassus, Proconsul in Bithynia in 98, and Gaius Julius Severus, a Tribune in Legio VI "Ferrata".


*Smith, William (editor); "Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology", [ "Amyntas (6)"] , Boston, (1867)
*Head, Barclay; "Historia Numorum", [ "Galatia"] , (1911)
*Settipani, Christian, Les Ancêtres de Charlemagne (France: Éditions Christian, 1989).


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*Descent from antiquity

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