Ulla Winblad

Ulla Winblad

Ulla Winblad was a semi-fictional character in many of Carl Michael Bellman's works. Ulla Winblad was, or at least inspired by, Maria Kristina Kiellström (1744-1798).

Ulla Winblad was described as a goddess of sex, worshiped and adored, but not respected. She was a prostitute, every day the "bride" of male clients and forced to watch out for the persecution of the police and the threat of being put in jail. She is described both as a courtesan in the salons of the rococo, and in the drunkenness of a common tavern. She can be seen more as a personification than a specific person.

See also

* Epistles of Fredman
* Österlånggatan


* [http://bellman.net/texter/ordPers.php?id=2 Bellman.net] om Ulla Winblad och Maija-Stina Kiellström

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