South African mullet

South African mullet

name = South African mullet
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Actinopterygii
ordo = Perciformes
familia = Mugilidae
genus = "Liza"
species = "L. richardsonii"
binomial = "Liza richardsonii"
binomial_authority = (Smith, 1846)
The South African mullet or harder mullet, "Liza richardsonii", is a species of mullet. It is found in South African coastal waters from Walfish Bay to Natal, and grows to a maximum length of 40.5 cm. [FishBase species | genus = Liza | species = richardsonii | month = May | year = 2006]

ee also

* The common name "harder mullet" in Germany refers to the flathead mullet, "Mugil cephalus". [ [ Harder common name] ]


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