

* September 29 - Rudolph I of Germany is elected King of Germany over rival candidate King Otakar II of Bohemia, ending the Interregnum; Otakar refuses to acknowledge Rudolph as the new king, leading to the outbreak of war in 1276. Rudolph is the first of many Habsburgs to hold the throne.
* December 6 - Thomas Aquinas quits his writing of "Summa Theologica" — a master work of Catholic theology — leaving it unfinished after having a mystical experience during Mass.
* King Otakar II of Bohemia captures Bratislava from Hungary.

The Middle East

* December - Followers of the recently deceased Jalal al-Din Muhammad Rumi establish the Sufi order of the Whirling Dervishes in the city of Konya (in present-day Turkey).
* The "Holy Redeemer" khachkar, believed to be one of the finest examples of the art form, is carved in Haghpat, Armenia, by Vahram.
* The Constantinople suburb of Beyoğlu (then known as Pera) is given to the Republic of Genoa by the Byzantine Emperor Michael VIII Palaeologus, in return for Genoa's support of the Empire after the Fourth Crusade and the sacking of Constantinople.


* January 31 - The 6-year-long battle of Xiangyang ends as the commander of the Song Dynasty's forces surrender to Kublai Khan. The battle is the first in which firearms are used in combat.
* In Korea, the Sambyeolcho Rebellion against the Goryeo Dynasty (a puppet government of the Mongol Empire) ends as rebel forces are defeated by combined Mongol and Goryeo forces.


* July 15 - Ewostatewos, Ethiopian monk and religious leader (d. 1352)
* November 24 - Alphonso, Earl of Chester, son of Edward I of England (d. 1284)
* Abu al-Fida, Arab historian (d. 1331)
* David VIII of Georgia (d. 1311)


* December 17 - Jalal al-Din Muhammad Rumi, Persian poet and Sufi mystic (b. 1207)
* Baldwin II of Constantinople, last Latin Emperor of Constantinople (b. 1217)

In fiction

* January 31 - The characters Guo Jing and Huang Rong, of Jinyong's modern novel "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", die.

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