- French-German enmity
French–German "hereditary" enmity [Julius Weis Friend: "The Linchpin: French-German Relations, 1950-1990", [http://books.google.com/books?id=fg-Vcjjyg7kC&pg=PA8&dq=french+german+enmity&as_brr=3&sig=Dm7Na5-A8WBL-OaKwDvldQNXh-A] ] ( _de. Deutsch–französische Erbfeindschaft, _fr. Esprit de revanche) describes the three centuries of hostile relations and "
revanchism " betweenFrance andGermany , from theThirty Years' War toWorld War II , after which it has been overcome. After 1945,French-German relations became the key toEuropean integration .Historical Context
France and Germany both trace their history back to being united in
Charlemagne 'sCarolingian Empire before theTreaty of Verdun of843 divided it into three kingdoms, with the Western and Eastern parts developing into the modern nations, while the central part ofLothair I gave name to Lorraine, an area to be disputed for 1100 years to come. Ambitions to the senior imperial status and the implicit role of leadership over Western Europe that it held were a continual source of friction between France and the states of Germany throughout the medieval and early renaissance periods.France–Habsburg rivalry
The sequence of events started in 1516 with the France–Habsburg rivalry between the Bourbon kingdom of
France and the House ofHabsburg , the rulers of theHoly Roman Empire and, by marriage, ofSpain and theNetherlands . Thus, France was surrounded on three sides by Habsburg rulers, and most conflicts of the centuries to come were with them.17th century French expansion
Thirty Years’ War left large parts of Germany devastated. During that war, which was mostly a Catholic-vs-Protestant conflict, the Catholic French troops sided with the Protestants against the Austrian-led Catholic Imperial forces. ThePeace of Westphalia in 1648 gave France limited control overAlsace and Lorraine. France consolidated her hold with the 1679Treaties of Nijmegen , which brought the towns under her control. In 1681, France occupiedStrasbourg . In the following decades France continued to take advantage of Austria's constant warfare in the East to expand at its expense.French–Prussian enmity
In the 18th century, the rise of a new German power,
Prussia , forcedAustria to ally with France in theSeven Years’ War .Since the
French Revolutionary Wars and theNapoleonic Wars , the leaders of monarchic states not fought only against another, among fellow monarchs, but against a people, which carried the conflict to new levels. The French "Levée en masse "conscription made armies grow to hundreds of thousands.Napoleon put an end to the millennium-old
Holy Roman Empire in 1806, forming his ownConfederation of the Rhine , and reshaped the political map of the German states, which were still divided. The wars, often fought in Germany and with Germans on both sides as in theBattle of the Nations at Leipzig, also marked the beginning of what was explicitly called "French–German hereditary enmity". Napoleon directly incorporated German-speaking areas such as theRhineland andHamburg into hisFirst French Empire and treated the monarchs of the remaining German states as vassals. Modern German nationalism was born in opposition to French domination under Napoleon. In the recasting of the map of Europe after Napoleon's defeat, the German-speaking territories in the Rhineland adjoining France were put under the rule ofPrussia .French–German enmity
Nineteenth Century
During the first half of the 19th century, many Germans looked forward to a unification of the German states, though most German leaders and the foreign powers were opposed to it. The German nationalist movement believed that a united Germany would replace France as the dominant land power in Western Europe. This argument was aided by demographic changes: since the Middle Ages, France had had the largest population in Western Europe, but in the 19th century its population stagnated (a trend which continued until the second half of the 20th century), and the population of the German states overtook it and continued to rapidly increase.
The eventual
unification of Germany was triggered by theFranco-Prussian War in 1870 and subsequent French defeat. Finally, in the Treaty of Frankfurt, reached after a lengthysiege of Paris , France was forced to cede theAlsace-Lorraine territory (consisting of most ofAlsace and a quarter of Lorraine), and pay anindemnity of five billionfranc s to the newly declaredGerman Empire . Thereafter, theGerman Empire was widely viewed as having replaced France as the leading land power in Europe.The World Wars
The desire for revenge ("esprit de revanche") against Germany, and in particular for the recovery of the “lost provinces” of Alsace and Lorraine (whose importance was summed up by the French politician Gambetta in the phrase: “Never speak of them; never forget them!”) remained strong in France over the next 50 years and was the key French war aim in
World War I . The Allied victory saw France regain Alsace-Lorraine and briefly resume its old position as the leading land power on the European continent. France was the leading proponent of harsh peace terms against Germany at the Paris Peace Conference. Since the war had been fought on French soil, it had destroyed much of French infrastructure and industry, and France had suffered the highest number of casualties proportionate to population. Much French opinion wanted the Rhineland, the section of Germany adjoining France and the old focus of French ambition, to be detached from Germany as an independent country; in the end they settled for a promise that the Rhineland would be demilitarized, and heavy German reparation payments. On the remote Eastern end of the German Empire, theMemel territory was separated from the rest ofEast Prussia and occupied by France before being annexed byLithuania . Alleged German failure to pay reparations under theTreaty of Versailles in 1923 (Germany being accused of not having delivered telephone poles on time), France responded with theoccupation of the Rhineland and the industrialRuhr area of Germany, the center of German coal and steel production, until 1925. Also, the French-dominatedIOC banned Germany from theOlympic Games of 1920 and 1924, which illustrates French desire to isolate Germany.However, the UK and the US didn't favor these policies, seen as too pro-French so Germany soon recovered its old strength (most of the war reparations were cancelled under the pressure of the UK and the US), then from 1933 under
Adolf Hitler , began to pursue an aggressive policy in Europe. Meanwhile France in the 1930s was tired, politically divided, and above all dreaded another war, which the French feared would again be fought on their soil for the third time, and again destroy a large percentage of their young men. France's stagnant population meant that it would find it difficult to withhold the sheer force of numbers of a German invasion; it was estimated Germany could put two men of fighting age in the field for every French soldier. Thus in the 1930s the French, with their British allies, pursued a policy of appeasement of Germany, failing to respond to the remilitarization of theRhineland , although this put the German army on a larger stretch of the French border.Finally, however, Hitler pushed France and Britain too far, and they jointly declared war when Germany invaded Poland in September 1939. But France remained exhausted and in no mood for a rerun of 1914–18. There was little enthusiasm and much dread in France at the prospect of actual warfare after the “phony war”. When the Germans launched their
blitzkrieg invasion of France in 1940, the French Army crumbled within weeks, and with Britain retreating, an atmosphere of humiliation and defeat swept France.A new government under Marshal
Philippe Pétain surrendered, and German forces occupied most of the country. A minority of the French forces escaped abroad and continued the fight under Generalde Gaulle (the “Free French” or “Fighting French”). On the other hand, theFrench Resistance conducted sabotage operations inside German-occupied France. To support theinvasion of Normandy of 1944, various groups increased their sabotage and guerrilla attacks; organizations such as the Maquis derailed trains, blew up ammunition depots, and ambushed Germans, for instance atTulle . The 2nd SS Panzer Division "Das Reich" came under constant attack and sabotage on their way across the country to Normandy, suspected the village ofOradour-sur-Glane of harboring terrorists, arms and explosives, and wiped out the population in retaliation.There was also a free French army fighting in the ally, numbering almost five hundred thousand men by June 1944, one million by December and 1.3 million by the end of the war. By the war's end, the French army occupied south of Germany and a part of Austria.
When Allied forces liberated Normandy and Provence in August 1944, a victorious rebellion emerged in occupied Paris and national rejoicing broke out, as did a maelstrom of hatred directed at French people who had collaborated with the Germans (most infamously, the shaving of the heads of French girls who had gone out with German soldiers). Some Germans taken as prisoners were killed by the resistance.
Post-war Relations
There was debate among the other Allies as to whether France should share in the occupation of the defeated Germany, due to fears that the long Franco–German rivalry might interfere with the rebuilding of Germany. However, it was decided to give the French a share in the occupation, and from 1945 to 1955 French troops were stationed in the Rhineland,
Baden-Württemberg , andBerlin , and the areas were put under a French military governor. TheSaar (protectorate) was only allowed to rejoin Germany in 1957.In the 1950s, the French and the Germans finally discontinued the 300-year sequence of committing cruelties against one another, transforming their old enmity and the cycle of revenge into a new period of Franco–German cooperation that led to the formation of
European Union . Since then, France and Germany (calledWest Germany between 1949 and 1990) have generally cooperated in the running of the European Union and also, often, in foreign-policy matters. For example, they jointly opposed the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, leading U.S.Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld to lump them together as “Old Europe ”.Chronology
Treaty of Verdun : division of the Holy Roman Empire of Charlemagne into a Western Franconia realm (foundation of France), a central realm (Lorraine), and a Eastern Franconia realm (foundation of Germany).
*1214:Battle of Bouvines
*1250–1300:Philip IV of France 's offensive territorial policy against the Holy Roman Empire
*1477: After the death ofCharles I, Duke of Burgundy , the territory of theDuchy of Burgundy was annexed byFrance . In the same year, Charles' daughterMary of Burgundy married Archduke Maximilian of Austria, giving the Habsburgs control of the remainder of the Burgundian Inheritance. Although theDuchy of Burgundy itself remained in the hands of France, the Habsburgs remained in control of the other parts of the Burgundian inheritance, notably theLow Countries and theFree County of Burgundy .
*1618-48:Thirty Years’ War
*1672–78: Franco–Dutch War between the Netherlands and France expands to a European conflict in 1673–74
*1688:War of the Grand Alliance
*1701–14:War of the Spanish Succession between the Houses of Bourbon and Habsburg
*1718:War of the Quadruple Alliance
*1733–35:War of the Polish Succession between the Houses of Bourbon and Habsburg
*1740–48:War of the Austrian Succession moved to the habsburgisch Netherlands -> main antagonists: France and Great Britain
*1754 and 1756–63:Seven Years’ War -> Prussia, Great Britain, and Hanover against France, Austria, the Russian Empire, Sweden, and Saxony
*1792-1815:French Revolutionary Wars
*1792–97:War of the First Coalition : Prussia and Austria, since 1793 also Great Britain, Spain, the Netherlands, Sardinia, Naples, and Tuscany against French Republic
*1794: Holy Roman Empire and France, French occupation of Austrian Netherlands (1795–1806Batavian Republic )
*1799-15:Napoleonic Wars
*1806–07:War of the Fourth Coalition : Prussia, Electoral Saxony, Saxony-Weimar, and Brunswick against France
*1813:Battle of the Nations
*1840:Rhine crisis
*1870:Franco-Prussian War . The quick defeat of Napolean III led to the unification of Germany in theGerman Empire under Prussian leadership.
*1914–18:World War I , mostly fought in trenches in France
*1923–25: FrenchOccupation of the Ruhr
*1940–44: The fall of France inWorld War II after few weeks, and ensuing four years of occupation and ofVichy France
*1945: French occupation of parts of GermanyReferences
External links
* [http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=6584 French proposal regarding the detachment of German industrial regions] September 8, 1945
* [http://www.american.edu/ted/ice/saar.htm France, Germany and the Struggle for the War-making Natural Resources of the Rhineland]
* [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9D0CE7D8133CF934A25751C0A967958260&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=print French–German enmity in the "New York Times "]
* [http://www.ji.lviv.ua/n12texts/fassler-ger.htm Fäßler, Peter: "Der Rhein, Deutschlands Strom, nicht seine Grenze"]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.