- Jon Papernick
Jon Papernick (born 1970) is an American
short story writer and novelist.Papernick was born in Toronto,
Ontario . He is the author of "The Ascent of Eli Israel" a collection of short stories set in Israel during the collapse of theOslo Peace Accords , and a novel "Who by Fire, Who by Blood."His work has appeared in the anthologies "Lost Tribe: Jewish Fiction From The Edge" (2003) and "Scribblers on the Roof: Contemporary Jewish Fiction" (2006) and numerous literary journals.
He is currently writer-in-residence at
Emerson College in Boston,Massachusetts .Bibliography
*"The Ascent of Eli Israel." New York, Arcade, 2003 ISBN 1-55970-683-X
*"Who by Fire, Who by Blood." Toronto: Exile, 2007 ISBN 978-1-55096-102-7External links
* [http://www.jonpapernick.com Author Website]
* [http://jonpapernick.blogspot.com Author Blog]
* [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9D00EEDE1330F932A15754C0A9649C8B63 "New York Times Book Review" of "The Ascent of Eli Israel"]
* [http://www.hadassah.com/news/content/per_hadassah/archive/2003/03_APR/art.htm Hadassah Article on Young Jewish Writers]
* [http://www.forward.com/articles/12322/ Review of "Who by Fire, Who by Blood" in The Jewish Daily Forward]
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcMj1BJMrlg "Who By Fire, Who by Blood"--Graphic Novel Preview Film]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.