

Germanus is the Latin term referring to the Germanic peoples. A probably related meaning for the word in Latin is "blood relation", cognate to "germen" "seed" (whence Spanish "hermano" "brother").

;People named Germanus (Latin) or Germanos (Greek) include:

*Trebius Germanus, governor of Roman Britain around 126
*Germanus (Cermanus), Spanish martyr-saint (see Servandus and Cermanus)
*Germanus of Auxerre (378-448), bishop of Auxerre who founded the Carolingian abbey of Saint-Germain en Auxerre named for the same saint
*Germanus of Paris (496-576), also Saint Germain of Paris
*Germanus Justinus (died 551), general of the Byzantine Empire
*Germanus of Granfelden (612-675), Saint
*Nicolaus Germanus, 15th century cartographer
*Henricus Martellus Germanus, 15th century cartographer
*Moses Germanus (died 1701) or Johann Peter Spaeth, a German convert to Judaism

;Greek clerics
*Saint Germanus I (died ~733), 39th Patriarch of Constantinople
*Germanus II (died 1240), 95th Patriarch of Constantinople
*Germanus III (died 1267), 101st Patriarch of Constantinople
*Germanus IV (died 1853), 213th Patriarch of Constantinople
*Germanus V (died 1918), 225th Patriarch of Constantinople
*Germanos of Patras (1771-1826), metropolitan bishop of Patras and participant in the Greek War of Independence

*Sanctus Germanus, a Titular See in the Roman Catholic Church

*Germanos Group and its subsidiary Germanos Chain of Stores.

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