PGY, short for post-graduate year, refers to a
North America n numerical scheme denoting the progress of post-graduate medical or dental residents in their residency program. It is used to stratify responsibility in most training programs and to determinesalary . The grade of the resident is denoted with a numeral after the PGY designation, such as PGY-3 for a third year resident.The length of residency depends mostly on the field a graduate chooses to take. Medical specialties such as
family medicine andinternal medicine often require only three years, whereassurgery usually requires a minimum of five. Subspecialization (vascular or orthopedic spine surgery as a branch of surgery, for example) in any field will add time to post-graduate training.For more information on specific medical residency programs, see the American Medical Association's Fellowship and Residency Electronic Interactive Database.
Dental residencies for general practice, known as GPRs, are generally one year, with a possibility of a second year at some facilities. Dental specialties, such as
Oral and maxillofacial surgery also require further training (4-6 years). Most specialty programs do not require students to have completed a year of GPR, but it most definitely increases the chances of the applicant.Pharmacy residencies are usually one year, but a PGY-2 can be completed, often as an option, for pharmacy specialties such as critical care, cardiology, oncology, etc.
In some teaching institutions, trainees are required to indicate level of training on all signatures (John Doe, M.D., PGY-1 or R-1).
Residencies are also offered for those in the Physician Associate (assistant) profession in a variety of specialties such as surgery and emergency medicine. Controvery exists as to whether this should be mandatory for subspecialty work.
External links
* [http://www.ama-assn.org/ama/pub/category/2997.html FREIDA, the AMA's online residency database]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.