Samuel James Meltzer

Samuel James Meltzer

Samuel James Meltzer (18511920) was an American physiologist, born in Russia. He was educated at Konigsberg, Prussia, studied philosophy at and medicine at the University of Berlin (M. D., 1882); and in the following year he emigrated to the United States, where he practiced his profession in New York City, serving as consulting physician to Harlem Hospital. In 1906 he became head of the department of physiology and pharmacology in the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. He served as president of the Harvey Society, of the Association for the Advancement of Clinical Research in 1909, and of the Association of American Physiologists in 1915. During the War in Europe, Dr. Meltzer was a major in the Medical Reserve Corps, and when the American Association for Thoracic Surgery was organized in 1918 he was elected president. Dr. Meltzer was occupied in research in various fields almost to the time of his death.


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