
Marktkirche, 2004
Interior, 2007

The Marktkirche ("The Church on the Marketplace"), officially Marktkirche S. Georgii et Jacobi, dedicated to St. George and St. James, is the main Lutheran church in Hanover. It was built in the 14th century and, together with the nearby Old Town Hall, is considered the southernmost example of the "North German brick gothic" (Norddeutsche Backsteingotik) architectural style. The roof and the vaults of the naves were destroyed in an air raid in 1943 and restored in 1952.

The church is a Hallenkirche (hall church). Above the nave and two aisles rises a monumental saddleback roof. The high western tower was a symbol for the power and the wealth of the citizens of the town. It is still one of the highest towers in Lower-Saxony and a landmark of the city.



The main altar was made around 1480. It depicts the Passion, following models of Martin Schongauer.[1] It is carved in Lindenholz and shows 21 scenes. The back shows scenes from the life of the two patron saints. The altar was moved to the Aegidienkirche in 1663, to make room for a Baroque altar. In 1856 it was taken to the museum Welfenmuseum. Thus it was not destroyed during World War II and returned to the Marktkirche in 1952.


An organ was installed in the Turmraum (Tower Room) of the Marktkirche in 1893, which included parts of an instrument of the 17th century. This organ was destroyed in Wolrd War II.

Todays organ is at the back wall of the southern aisle. The first instrment in that location was built in 1953 and 1954 by the organ builders Emil Hammer Orgelbau (de) and Rudolf von Beckerath. It had 61 stops, four manuals and pedal. The Prospekt (casing) was designed by Dieter Oesterlen and is a protected monument.

From 2007 to 2009, the instrument was rebuilt by Goll Orgelbau (Lucerne). The casing and about 50 % of the pipes were kept. The new organ has 64 stops, 39 of them mostly using the older material.[2]


The Marktkirche has 11 bells.[3] The Christus- und Friedensglocke (Bell of Christ and Peace) is the biggest of Lower-Saxony and is only used on special occasions.


  1. ^ Waldemar R. Röhrbein, Karl-Heinz Grotjahn M.A.: Marktkirche S. Georgii et Jacobi, in: Stadtlexikon Hannover, S. 426f.
  2. ^ Die Orgeln der Marktkirche (The organs of the Marktkirche) (German)
  3. ^ Plenum des Geläuts, Pfingstmontag 13. Juni 2011, 9:47 Uhr (14:35 min)

External links

Coordinates: 52°22′18″N 9°44′06″E / 52.37167°N 9.735°E / 52.37167; 9.735

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