- Nyamusa
Nyamusa is an ethnic group of
Equatoria inSouthern Sudan . They speakNyamusa-Molo , a Nilo-Saharan language. The population of this group may exceed 1,000.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Nyamusa is an ethnic group of
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Nyamusa people — Nyamusa is an ethnic group of Western Equatoria in South Sudan. They speak Nyamusa Molo, a Nilo Saharan language.[1] As of 1997, the population of this group was 1,522.[2] References ^ Nyamusa Molo . Ethnologue … Wikipedia
Nyamusa-Molo — ISO 639 3 Code : nwm ISO 639 2/B Code : ISO 639 2/T Code : ISO 639 1 Code : Scope : Individual Language Type : Living … Names of Languages ISO 639-3
List of ethnic minorities of Sudan — Acholi· Afitti· Amhara· Amri· Anuak· Andang· Atwot· Avukaya· Awlad Hassan· Awlad Mana· Azande· Bai· Baka· Banda· Bari· Batahin· Beja· Belanda Bor· Beta Israel· Burun· Bviri· Dar Sila Daju· Dasenach· Debri· Didinga· Dilling· Dinka· Dongotona·… … Wikipedia
Central Sudanic languages — Infobox Language family name=Central Sudanic region=CAR, Chad, Sudan, Uganda, Congo (DRC) familycolor=Nilo Saharan child1=West child2=EastCentral Sudanic is a grouping of about thirty languages of the Nilo Saharan language family. Central Sudanic … Wikipedia
List of Sudan-related topics — This is a list of topics related to Sudan. Those interested in the subject can monitor changes to the pages by clicking on Related changes in the sidebar.udan* SudanBuildings and structures in SudanArchaeological sites in Sudan* H.U.N.E. * Nubian … Wikipedia
Liste der Sprachen im Sudan — Die verbreitetsten Vernakulärsprachen im Sudan Dieser Artikel enthält eine Liste aller bekannten Sprachen im Sudan und Südsudan, neben den Amtssprachen Arabisch (im Sudan) und Englisch (Sudan und Südsudan), Verkehrssprachen sind Sudanesisch… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Liste der Sprachen in Sudan — Die verbreitetsten Vernakulärsprachen Sudans Dieser Artikel enthält eine Liste aller bekannten Sprachen in Sudan, neben den Amtssprachen Arabisch und Englisch (zusätzliche Amtssprache in Südsudan), Verkehrssprache ist Sudanesisch Arabisch, ein… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Moru people — Moru is an ethnic group of South Sudan. Most of them live in Equatoria. They speak Moru, a Central Sudanic language. Many members of this ethnicity are Christians, most being members of the Episcopal Church of the Sudan (ECS).[1] The Pioneer… … Wikipedia
nwm — ISO 639 3 Code of Language ISO 639 2/B Code : ISO 639 2/T Code : ISO 639 1 Code : Scope : Individual Language Type : Living Language Name : Nyamusa Molo … Names of Languages ISO 639-3