Rabbit of Caerbannog — The attack of the Killer Rabbit The Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog is a fictional beast in the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail.[1] It is the antagonist in a major setpiece battle, and makes a similar appearance in Spamalot, a musical inspired… … Wikipedia
Rabbit — Environmental problemsRabbits have been a source of environmental problems when introduced into the wild by humans. As a result of their appetites, and the rate at which they breed, wild rabbit depredation can be problematic for agriculture.… … Wikipedia
rabbit-killer — /rab it kil euhr/, n. Australian. a rabbit punch. [1920 25] * * * … Universalium
rabbit-killer — /ˈræbət kɪlə/ (say rabuht kiluh) noun a short sharp blow to the nape of the neck or the lower part of the skull. Also, rabbit punch …
rabbit-killer — /rab it kil euhr/, n. Australian. a rabbit punch. [1920 25] … Useful english dictionary
Jimmy Carter rabbit incident — Dubbed the killer rabbit attack by the media, the Jimmy Carter rabbit incident involved a swamp rabbit that caught press imagination after furiously trying to board then U.S. President Jimmy Carter s fishing boat on April 20, 1979.Carter had gone … Wikipedia
Swamp Rabbit — Taxobox name = Swamp RabbitMSW3 Hoffmann | pages = 207 208] image width = 230px image caption = baby status = LR/lc status system = iucn2.3 status ref = IUCN2006 | assessors = Lagomorph Specialist Group | year = 1996 | id = 41296 | title =… … Wikipedia
Rabbit-killer — short, sharp blow on the nape of the neck or lower part of the skull … Dictionary of Australian slang
rabbit-killer — Australian Slang short, sharp blow on the nape of the neck or lower part of the skull … English dialects glossary
Domestic rabbit — This article is about domesticated European rabbits. For information on the wild variety, see European Rabbit. For general information on all rabbit species, see Rabbit. Domestic Rabbit Conservation status … Wikipedia