Vincent Foy

Vincent Foy

Monsignor Vincent N. Foy (August 14 1915 - ) is a Canadian Roman Catholic cleric and theologian.

He is particularly prominent as a critic of artificial contraception and what he perceives as acceptance of it by the Catholic hierarchy (particularly that in Canada, as in the Winnipeg Statement).

He is the former head of Toronto's archdiocesan marriage tribunal.


* [ "Birth Control: Is Canada Out Of Step With Rome?"] , Life Ethics Information Centre, Toronto (2005)
* "Did Pope Paul Approve the Winnipeg Statement: A Search for Truth", Life Ethics Information Centre, Toronto (1997)

External links

* [ Tragedy at Winnipeg [: criticism of the] Canadian Bishops' Statement on the Encyclical "Humanae Vitae"]
* [ Contraception is anti-society]

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