- Stéphane Denève
Stéphane Denève (born 1971) is a French conductor. Born in
Tourcoing ,France , and a graduate of theParis Conservatoire , Denève has worked as conducting assistant toSir Georg Solti with theOrchestre de Paris ,Georges Prêtre at theOpéra National de Paris , andSeiji Ozawa at theSaito Kinen Festival in 1998. He made his USA conducting debut atSanta Fe Opera in 1999 with "Dialogues des Carmelites", and has worked with many other of the world's major orchestras as well. [cite news | url=http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9A0CE7DC1230F934A3575BC0A96F958260&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=all | title=Music Review: A Striking New Design For Poulenc's Nuns | publisher=New York Times | author=Anthony Tommasini | date=7 August 1999 | accessdate=2007-05-21]Denève assumed the post of music director of the
Royal Scottish National Orchestra (RSNO) in September 2005 where, in his first season, he lead the orchestra at the 2006 Proms concerts in London, and its first ever performance in France. [cite web | url=http://scotlandonsunday.scotsman.com/review.cfm?id=257002006 | title=Avant garde alliance | publisher=Scotland on Sunday | author=Sarah Jones | date=19 February 2006 | accessdate=2007-05-21] His current contract with the Orchestra is expected to continue until 2011. [cite news | url=http://www.theherald.co.uk/news/news/display.var.1338739.0.0.php | title=RSNO to retain music director and receive £750,000 from executive | publisher=The Herald | author=Phil Miller | date=19 April 2007 | accessdate=2007-05-21]In July 2007, Denève married Asa Masters in a ceremony in California. [cite news | url=http://www.playbillarts.com/news/article/6834.html | title=Love Among the Grapevines: Conductor Weds Between Performances at Napa Valley's Festival del Sole | publisher="Playbill Arts" | author=Matthew Westphal | date=24 July 2007 | accessdate=2007-09-07]
External links
* [http://www.rsno.org.uk Royal Scottish National Orchestra official website]
* [http://www.imgartists.com/?page=artist&id=264 Stéphane Denève] atIMG Artists
* [http://www.stephanedeneve.com/ Stéphane Denève official website]
* [http://www.abeilleinfo.com/chronique.php?id_chro=886&langue=fr Biography (in French)]
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