Zhou Tiehai

Zhou Tiehai

Zhou Tiehai is a contemporary Chinese painter whose art attempts to satirize much of modern Chinese art. Zhou does not paint his own works, though he earned an arts degree from the School of Fine Arts at Shanghai University in 1989. A typical process for him is to conceptualize a work, realize it on the computer, then rely upon the help of assistants to physically create it.

External links

* [http://www.88-mocca.org/index.php?var=artistdetail&artistid=18 Zhou Tiehai at 88 mocca]
* [http://www.nytimes.com/2006/05/01/arts/design/01zhou.html?hp&ex=1146456000&en=aacbd098be60cc60&ei=5094&partner=homepage Homepage]
* http://www.shanghart.com/artists/zhoutiehai/ex.htm

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