Totally disconnected group

Totally disconnected group

In mathematics, a totally disconnected group is a topological group that is totally disconnected. Such topological groups are necessarily Hausdorff.

Interest centres on locally compact totally disconnected groups. The compact case has been heavily studied - these are the profinite groups - but for a long time not much was known about the general case. A theorem of van Dantzig from the 1930s, stating that every such group contains a compact open subgroup, was all that was known. Then groundbreaking work on this subject was done in 1994, when George Willis showed that every locally compact totally disconnected group contains a so-called "tidy" subgroup and a special function on its automorphisms, the "scale function".

Tidy subgroups

Let G be a locally compact, totally disconnected group, U be a compact open subgroup of G and alpha a continuous automorphism of G.

Define: U_{+}=igcap_{nge 0}alpha^n(U)
U_{-}=igcap_{nge 0}alpha^{-n}(U)
U_{++}=igcup_{nge 0}alpha^n(U_{+})
U_{--}=igcup_{nge 0}alpha^{-n}(U_{-})

U is said to be tidy for alpha if and only if U=U_{+}U_{-}=U_{-}U_{+} and U_{++} and U_{--} are closed.

The scale function

The index of alpha(U_{+}) in U_{+} is shown to be finite and independent of the U which is tidy for alpha. Define the scale function s(alpha) as this index. Restriction to inner automorphisms gives a function on G with interesting properties. These are in particular:
Define the function s on G by s(x):=s(alpha_{x}), where alpha_{x} is the inner automorphism of x on G.

s is continuous.
s(x)=1, whenever x in G is a compact element.
s(x^n)=s(x)^n for every integer n
The modular function on G is given by Delta(x)=s(x)s(x^{-1})^{-1}

Calculations and applications

The scale function was used to prove a conjecture by Hofmann and Mukherja and has been explicitly calculated for p-adic Lie groups and linear groups over local skew fields by Helge Glöckner.


Source: G.A. Willis - [ The structure of totally disconnected, locally compact groups] , Mathematische Annalen 300, 341-363 (1994)

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