Growing season

Growing season

In agriculture, the growing season is the period of each year when crops can be grown. It is usually determined by climate and crop selection. Depending on the location, temperature, daylight hours (photoperiod), and rainfall, may all be critical environmental factors.

In the northern U.S. and Canada, the growing season usually means the days between last and first frost, or approximately the last and first occurrence of 0° C (freezing) overnight low temperature. This is roughly May to October.

In much of Europe, the growing season is defined as the average number of days a year with a 24-hour average temperature of at least 5 °C (6 °C is sometimes used). This is typically from April until October or November, although this varies considerably with latitude and altitude.

In the United Kingdom, the growing season is defined as starting when the temperature on five consecutive days exceeds 5 °C, and ends after five consecutive days of temperatures below 5 °C. The 1961 to 1990 average season length was 252 days (8.4 months).cite web | last = | first = | authorlink = | coauthors = | year = 2002 | url = | title = Length of thermal growing season | format = | work = | publisher = Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs | accessdate = 2007-07-10]

In some warm climates (like in the subtropical Savanna), the growing season is limited by the availability of water, with little growth in the dry season.

ee also

* Growing degree day
* Season


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