- Starks, Illinois
name = Starks
native_name =
other_name =
category = Village
etymology =
official_name =
motto =
nickname =
image_caption =
symbol =
country = United States
state = Illinois
region = Kane
region_type = County
district =
district_type = Township
municipality =
location =
elevation_imperial =
prominence_imperial =
lat_d = 42
lat_m = 05
lat_s = 18
lat_NS = N
long_d = 88
long_m = 27
long_s = 24
long_EW = W
coordinates_no_title = 1
highest =
highest_location =
highest_region =
highest_state =
highest_elevation_imperial =
highest_lat_d =
highest_lat_m =
highest_lat_s =
highest_lat_NS =
highest_long_d =
highest_long_m =
highest_long_s =
highest_long_EW =
lowest =
lowest_location =
lowest_region =
lowest_state =
lowest_elevation_imperial =
lowest_lat_d =
lowest_lat_m =
lowest_lat_s =
lowest_lat_NS =
lowest_long_d =
lowest_long_m =
lowest_long_s =
lowest_long_EW =
length_imperial =
length_orientation =
area_imperial =
area_land_imperial =
area_water_imperial =
area_urban_imperial =
area_metro_imperial =
population =
population_date = 2000
population_urban =
population_metro =
population_density =
population_density_imperial =
population_density_urban_imperial =
population_density_metro_imperial =
established =
date =
government =
government_location =
government_region =
government_state =
government_elevation_imperial =
government_lat_d =
government_lat_m =
government_lat_s =
government_lat_NS =
government_long_d =
government_long_m =
government_long_s =
government_long_EW =
mayor =
leader =
leader_type = Village president
timezone = CST
utc_offset = -6
timezone_DST = CDT
utc_offset_DST = -5
postal_code = XXXXX
area_code = XXX
code =
whs_name =
whs_year =
whs_number =
whs_region =
whs_criteria =
iucn_category =
map_caption = Location of Starks within Illinois
map_background = Illinois - background map.png
map_locator = Illinois2
commons = Starks, Illinois
statistics =
website =
footnotes =Starks, Illinois, is an unincorporated community in Kane County in the
U.S. state ofIllinois , a few km south of the McHenry County border. Hampshire lies to its northwest, and Pingree Grove lies to its southeast.In the Illinois highway system, Starks is noted for having a
wrong-way concurrency . WestboundU.S. Route 20 and eastboundIllinois Route 72 are concurrent together with northboundIllinois Route 47 through Starks.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.