

:"For the town, see Scilla, Italy. For the given name, see Priscilla. For the mythological monster, see Scylla."Taxobox
name = "Scilla"

image_width = 250px
image_caption = Siberian Squill ("Scilla siberica")
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Liliopsida
ordo = Asparagales
familia = Hyacinthaceae
genus = "Scilla"
genus_authority = L.
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = See text.

"Scilla" (squill) is a genus of bulb-forming perennial herbs in the Hyacinthaceae. The 90-odd species are found in woodlands, subalpine meadows, and seashores across the Old World. Their flowers are usually blue, but white, pink, and purple types are known; most flower in early spring, but a few are autumn-flowering.

Several African species previously classified in "Scilla" have been removed to the genus "Ledebouria". The best known of these is the common houseplant still sometimes known as "Scilla violacea" but now properly "Ledebouria socialis".

Species include:
* "Scilla amoena" (Star Squill/Star Hyacinth)
* "Scilla autumnalis" (Autumn Squill)
* "Scilla bifolia" (Alpine Squill)
* "Scilla bithynica" (Bithynian Squill)
* "Scilla buekkensis"
* "Scilla cilicica"
* "Scilla elisae"
* "Scilla drunensis"
* "Scilla hohenackeri"
* "Scilla hyacinthoides"
* "Scilla kladnii"
* "Scilla liliohyacinthus" (Pyrenean Squill)
* "Scilla litardierei"
* "Scilla maritima"
* "Scilla messeniaca"
* "Scilla mischtschenkoana" (Tubergen Squill)
* "Scilla monophyllos"
* "Scilla natalensis"
* "Scilla persica"
* "Scilla peruviana" (Portuguese Squill/Corymbose Squill/Cuban Lily)
* "Scilla puschkinioides"
* "Scilla rosenii"
* "Scilla scilloides"
* "Scilla siberica" (Siberian Squill)
* "Scilla siehei"
* "Scilla spetana"
* "Scilla verna" (Spring Squill)
* "Scilla vindobonensis"

"Scilla peruviana" is of interest for its name; it is a native of southwest Europe, "not" of Peru. When Carolus Linnaeus described the species in 1753, he was given specimens imported from Spain aboard a ship named "Peru", and was misled into thinking the specimens had come from that country. The rules of botanical naming do not allow a scientific name to be changed merely because it is potentially confusing.

Cultivation and uses

Many species, notably "S. siberica", are grown in gardens for their attractive early spring flowers.

Squill liquid extract, a preparation of powdered squill bulbs extracted in ethanol, is an ingredient in cough medicines and cardiac surgery.Fact|date=February 2008

External links

* [ British Pharmaceutical Codex]
* [ King's American Dispensatory]

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