Semantic Web Services

Semantic Web Services

Semantic Web Services are self-contained, self-describing, semantically marked-up software resources that can be published, discovered, composed and executed across the Web in a task driven semi-automatic way. Semantic Web Services can be defined as the dynamic part of the semantic web.

The problem addressed by Semantic Web Services

The mainstream XML standards for interoperation of web services specify only syntactic interoperability, not the semantic meaning of messages. For example, WSDL can specify the operations available through a web service and the structure of data sent and received but cannot specify semantic meaning of the data or semantic constraints on the data. This requires programmers to reach specific agreements on the interaction of web services and makes automatic web service composition difficult. Semantic web services solve these problems by providing another layer on top of the web service infrastructure to supply semantic meaning for web services.

Potential benefits

Semantic Web Services can enable the dynamic discovery, composition and execution of functionality with the aim of providing a higher order level of value-added services.

Choreography vs. orchestration

Choreography is concerned with describing the external visible behavior of services, as a set of message exchanges optionally following a Message Exchange Pattern (MEP), from the functionality consumer point of view.

Orchestration deals with describing how a number of services, 2 or more, cooperate and communicate with the aim of achieving a common goal.

Related technologies

Semantic Web Languages
* [ WSML]

Semantic Web Service frameworks
* [ WSMF]
* [ IRS-III]
* [ HALEY]
*BioMOBY (Bioinformatics)

Related projects

European projects

*Ongoing projects funded in the Seventh Framework Program
** [ SHAPE]
** [ SOA4All]
** [ Service Web 3.0]
** [ Service-Finder]
*Ongoing and previous projects funded in the Sixth Framework Program
** [ DIP]
** [ Knowledge Web]
** [ FUSION]
** [ LUISA]
**Transitioning Applications to Ontologies
** [ SEEMP]
** [ SemanticGov]
** [ SUPER]
*Previous projects funded in the Fifth Framework Program
** [ Esperonto] (IST-2001-34373) has developed [ ODE SWS] , a toolset for design and composition of Semantic Web Services
** [ SWWS]
** [ S-ten]
** [ Adaptive Services Grid]

Other projects

* [ QuASAR] . Quality Assurance of Semantic Annotations for Services. A project of the school of computer science, University of Manchester.
* [ SWSI] . The Semantic Web Services Initiative is an ad hoc initiative of academic and industrial researchers, many of which are involved in DARPA and research projects funded by the European Community.
* [ METEOR-S] . A project of the LSDIS Lab, University of Georgia and [ Kno.e.sis Center] , Wright State University.
* [ HALEY] . A Web service composition project of the LSDIS Lab, University of Georgia
* [ 3S@kno.e.sis] . Semantics(Services, Science) : The 3S project at the kno.e.sis center, Wright State University, Dayton, OH.


*cite journal
author = Belhajjame, K., Embury, S.M., Paton, N.W., Stevens, R. and Goble, A.C.,
title = Automatic Annotations of Semantic Web Services Based on Workflow Definitions
journal = ACM Transactions on the Web
volume = 2
number = 2
pages = 1–34
month = April | year = 2008
url =

*cite book
author = Sinuhe Arroyo et al.
year = 2004
title = Semantic Aspects of Web Services in Practical Handbook of Internet Computing
publisher = Chapman Hall and CRC Press
id = ISBN 1-58488-381-2

*cite book
author = Cardoso, J., Sheth, Amit (Eds.),
year = 2006
title = Semantic Web Services, Processes and Applications
publisher = Springer
id = ISBN 0-387-30239-5

*cite journal
last = Zeng
first = Honglei
authorlink = Honglei Zeng
coauthors = T.C. Son
title = Semantic Web Services
journal = Intelligent Systems
volume = 16
pages = 46–53
publisher = IEEE
month = March | year = 2001
url =

*cite book
author = Kuropka, D.; Tröger, P.; Staab, S.; Weske, M. (Eds.)
year = 2008
title = Semantic Service Provisioning
publisher = Springer
id = ISBN 3-5407-8616-3
url =

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