

Hyper-encryption is a form of encryption invented by Michael Rabin which uses a high-bandwidth source of public random bits, together with a secret key that is shared by only the sender and recipient(s) of the message. It uses the assumptions of Ueli Maurer's bounded-storage model as the basis of its secrecy. Although everyone can see the data, decryption by adversaries without the secret key is still not feasible, because of the space limitations of storing enough data to mount an attack against the system.

Unlike almost all other cryptosystems except the one-time pad, hyper-encryption can be proved to be information-theoretically secure, provided the storage bound cannot be surpassed. Moreover, if the necessary public information cannot be stored at the time of transmission, the plaintext can be shown to be impossible to recover, regardless of the computational capacity available to an adversary in the future, even if they have access to the secret key at that future time.

Further reading

* Y. Z. Ding and M. O. Rabin. "Hyper-encryption and everlasting security." In 19th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS), volume 2285 of "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", pp. 1--26. Springer-Verlag, 2002.

See also

* Eternal secrecy
* Perfect forward secrecy
* Randomness extractor

External links

* Chi-Jen Lu. [http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/lu02hyperencryption.html Hyper-encryption against space-bounded adversaries from on-line strong extractors.] In "Advances in Cryptology -- CRYPTO '02, Lecture Notes in Computer Science." Springer-Verlag, 2002, 18--22 August 2002.
* S. Dziembowski and U. Maurer. [http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/dziembowski02tight.html Tight security proofs for the bounded-storage model.] in "Proceedings of the 34th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing", 2002. 12
* [http://athome.harvard.edu/dh/hvs.html Hyper-Encryption by Virtual Satellite] , video of a lecture by Professor Michael O. Rabin.

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