- Segal conjecture
Segal's Burnside ring conjecture, or, more briefly, the Segal conjecture, is a
theorem inhomotopy theory , a branch ofmathematics . The theorem relates the Burnside ring of a finite group "G" to thestable cohomotopy of theclassifying space "BG". The conjecture was made byGraeme Segal and proved byGunnar Carlsson .As of 2006 , this statement is still commonly referred to as the Segal conjecture, even though it now has the status of a theorem.tatement of the theorem
The Segal conjecture has several different formulations, not all of which are equivalent. Here is a weak form: there exists, for every finite group "G", an isomorphism :varprojlim pi_S^*(BG^{(k)+}) o hat{A}(G).Here, lim denotes the
inverse limit , πS* denotes the stable cohomotopy ring, "B" denotes the classifying space, the superscript "k" denotes the "k"-skeleton, and the superscript + denotes the addition of a disjoint basepoint. On the right-hand side, the hat denotes the completion of the Burnside ring with respect to itsaugmentation ideal .The Burnside ring
The Burnside ring of a finite group "G" is constructed from the category of finite "G"-sets as a
Grothendieck group . More precisely, let "M(G)" be the commutativemonoid of isomorphism classes of finite "G"-sets, with addition the disjoint union of "G"-sets and identity element the empty set (which is a "G"-set in a unique way). Then "A(G)", the Grothendieck group of "M(G)", is an abelian group. It is in fact a free abelian group with basis elements represented by the "G"-sets "G"/"H", where "H" varies over the subgroups of "G". (Note that "H" is not assumed here to be a normal subgroup of "G", for while "G"/"H" is not a group in this case, it is still a "G"-set.) The ring structure on "A(G)" is induced by the direct product of "G"-sets; the multiplicative identity is the (isomorphism class of any) one-point set, which becomes a "G"-set in a unique way.The Burnside ring is the analogue of the
representation ring in the category of finite sets, as opposed to the category of finite-dimensionalvector space s over a field (see motivation below). It has proven to be an important tool in the representation theory of finite groups.The classifying space
For any
topological group "G" admitting the structure of aCW-complex , one may consider the category of principal "G"-bundles. One can define afunctor from the category of CW-complexes to the category of sets by assigning to each CW-complex "X" the set of principal "G"-bundles on "X". This functor descends to a functor on the homotopy category of CW-complexes, and it is natural to ask whether the functor so obtained is representable. The answer is affirmative, and the representing object is called the classifying space of the group "G" and typically denoted "BG". If we restrict our attention to the homotopy category of CW-complexes, then "BG" is unique. Any CW-complex that is homotopy equivalent to "BG" is called a "model" for "BG".For example, if "G" is the group of order 2, then a model for "BG" is infinite-dimensional real projective space. It can be shown that if "G" is finite, then any CW-complex modelling "BG" has cells of arbitrarily large dimension. On the other hand, if "G" = Z, the integers, then the classifying space "BG" is homotopy equivalent to the circle "S"1.
Motivation and interpretation
The content of the theorem becomes somewhat clearer if it is placed in its historical context. In the theory of representations of finite groups, one can form an object "R [G] " called the representation ring in a way entirely analogous to the construction of the Burnside ring outlined above. The stable cohomotopy is in a sense the natural analog to complex
K-theory , which is denoted "KU"*. Segal was inspired to make his conjecture afterMichael Atiyah proved the existence of an isomorphism:KU^0(BG) o hat{R} [G] .References
*cite conference
author=J.F. Adams
title= Graeme Segal's Burnside ring conjecture
booktitle= Proc. Topology Symp. Siegen
year= 1979*cite journal
author=G. Carlsson
title=Equivariant stable homotopy and Segal's Burnside ring conjecture
journal=Annals of Mathematics
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