- Representable functor
mathematics , especially incategory theory , a representable functor is afunctor of a special form from an arbitrary category into thecategory of sets . Such functors give representations of an abstract category in terms of known structures (i.e. sets and functions) allowing one to utilize, as much as possible, knowledge about the category of sets in other settings.From another point of view, representable functors for a category "C" are the functors "given" with "C". Their theory is a vast generalisation of
upper set s inposet s, and ofCayley's theorem ingroup theory .Definition
Let "C" be a
locally small category and let Set be thecategory of sets . For each object "A" of "C" let Hom("A",–) be thehom functor which maps objects "X" to the set Hom("A","X").A
functor "F" : "C" → Set is said to be representable if it isnaturally isomorphic to Hom("A",–) for some object "A" of "C". A representation of "F" is a pair ("A", Φ) where:Φ : Hom("A",–) → "F"is a natural isomorphism.A
contravariant functor "G" : "C" → Set is said to representable if it is naturally isomorphic to the contravariant hom-functor Hom(–,"A") for some object "A" of "C".Universal elements
According to
Yoneda's lemma , natural transformations from Hom("A",–) to "F" are in one-to-one correspondence with the elements of "F"("A"). Given a natural transformation Φ : Hom("A",–) → "F" the corresponding element of "u" ∈ "F"("A") is given by:Conversely, given any element "u" ∈ "F"("A") we may define a natural transformation Φ : Hom("A",–) → "F" via:where "f" is an element of Hom("A","X"). In order to get a representation of "F" we want to know when the natural transformation induced by "u" is an isomorphism. This leads to the following definition::A universal element of a functor "F" : "C" → Set is a pair ("A","u") consisting of an object "A" of "C" and an element "u" ∈ "F"("A") such that for every pair ("X","v") with "v" ∈ "F"("X") there exists a unique morphism "f" : "A" → "X" such that ("Ff")"u" = "v".A universal element may be viewed as auniversal morphism from the one-point set {•} to the functor "F" or as aninitial object in thecategory of elements of "F".The natural transformation induced by an element "u" ∈ "F"("A") is an isomorphism if and only if ("A","u") is a universal element of "F". We therefore conclude that representations of "F" are in one-to-one correspondence with universal elements of "F". For this reason, it is common to refer to universal elements ("A","u") as representations.
* Consider the contravariant functor "P" : Set → Set which maps each set to its
power set and each function to itsinverse image map. To represent this functor we need a pair ("A","u") where "A" is a set and "u" is a subset of "A", i.e. an element of "P"("A"), such that for all sets "X", the hom-set Hom("X","A") is isomorphic to "P"("X") via Φ"X"("f") = ("Pf")"u" = "f"–1("u"). Take "A" = {0,1} and "u" = {1}. Given a subset "S" ⊆ "X" the corresponding function from "X" to "A" is the characteristic function of "S".
*Forgetful functor s to Set are very often representable. It particular, a forgetful functor is represented by ("A", "u") whenever "A" is afree object over asingleton set with generator "u".
** The forgetful functor Grp → Set on thecategory of groups is represented by (Z, 1).
** The forgetful functor Ring → Set on thecategory of rings is represented by (Z ["x"] , "x"), thepolynomial ring in onevariable withinteger coefficient s.
** The forgetful functor Vect → Set on thecategory of real vector spaces is represented by (R, 1).
** The forgetful functor Top → Set on thecategory of topological spaces is represented by any singleton topological space with its unique element.
*A group "G" can be considered a category (even agroupoid ) with one object which we denote by •. A functor from "G" to Set then corresponds to a "G"-set. The unique hom-functor Hom(•,–) from "G" to Set corresponds to the canonical "G"-set "G" with the action of left multiplication. Standard arguments from group theory show that a functor from "G" to Set is representable if and only if the corresponding "G"-set is simply transitive (i.e. a "G"-torsor). Choosing a representation amounts to choosing an identity for the group structure.
*Let "C" be the category ofCW-complex es with morphisms given by homotopy classes of continuous functions. For each natural number "n" there is a contravariant functor "H""n" : "C" → Ab which assigns each CW-complex its "n"thcohomology group (with integer coefficients). Composing this with theforgetful functor we have a contravariant functor from "C" to Set.Brown's representability theorem in algebraic topology says that this functor is represented by a CW-complex "K"(Z,"n") called anEilenberg-Mac Lane space .Properties
Representations of functors are unique up to a unique isomorphism. That is, if ("A"1,Φ1) and ("A"2,Φ2) represent the same functor, then there exists a unique isomorphism φ : "A"1 → "A"2 such that:as natural isomorphisms from Hom("A"2,–) to Hom("A"1,–). This fact follows easily from
Yoneda's lemma .Stated in terms of universal elements: if ("A"1,"u"1) and ("A"2,"u"2) represent the same functor, then there exists a unique isomorphism φ : "A"1 → "A"2 such that :
Preservation of limits
Representable functors are naturally isomorphic to Hom functors and therefore share their properties. In particular, (covariant) representable functors preserve all limits. It follows that any functor which fails to preserve some limit is not representable.
Contravariant representable functors take colimits to limits.
Left adjoint
Any functor "K" : "C" → Set with a
left adjoint "F" : Set → "C" is represented by ("FX", η"X"(•)) where "X" = {•} is asingleton set and η is the unit of the adjunction.Conversely, if "K" is represented by a pair ("A", "u") and all small
copower s of "A" exist in "C" then "K" has a left adjoint "F" which sends each set "I" to the "I"th copower of "A".Therefore, if "C" is a category with all small copowers, a functor "K" : "C" → Set is representable if and only if it has a left adjoint.
Relation to universal morphisms and adjoints
The categorical notions of
universal morphism s andadjoint functor s can both be expressed using representable functors.Let "G" : "D" → "C" be a functor and let "X" be an object of "C". Then ("A",φ) is a universal morphism from "X" to "G"
if and only if ("A",φ) is a representation of the functor Hom"C"("X","G"–) from "D" to Set. It follows that "G" has a left-adjoint "F" if and only if Hom"C"("X","G"–) is representable for all "X" in "C". The natural isomorphism Φ"X" : Hom"D"("FX",–) → Hom"C"("X","G"–) yields the adjointness; that is :is a bijection for all "X" and "Y".The dual statements are also true. Let "F" : "C" → "D" be a functor and let "Y" be an object of "D". Then ("A",φ) is a universal morphism from "F" to "Y" if and only if ("A",φ) is a representation of the functor Hom"D"("F"–,"Y") from "C" to Set. It follows that "F" has a right-adjoint "G" if and only if Hom"D"("F"–,"Y") is representable for all "Y" in "D".
*cite book | first = Saunders | last = Mac Lane | authorlink = Saunders Mac Lane | year = 1998 | title =
Categories for the Working Mathematician | series = Graduate Texts in Mathematics 5 | edition = (2nd ed.) | publisher = Springer | id = ISBN 0-387-98403-8
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