- Triple Frontier
: "The Triple Frontier should not be confused with
Tres Fronteras , at the common border among Brazil, Peru, and Colombia."The Triple Frontier (Spanish: La Triple Frontera, English: Three Borders Landmark, Portuguese: Tríplice Fronteira) is a
tri-border area along the junction ofParaguay ,Argentina , andBrazil near the cities ofCiudad del Este ,Alto Paraná ;Puerto Iguazú , Misiones andFoz do Iguaçu , Paraná respectively. This area is the location of theIguazu Falls and theItaipu hydroelectric plant.Population
The population in the Hito Triple Frontera is concentrated in three interacting border cities. In 2001 Ciudad del Este was the largest city, with a population of 240,000, while the smallest — Argentina's Puerto Iguazú — had a population of 28,100. The Brazilian tourist-centric city Foz do Iguaçu has a population of 190,000. The
Arab and other Asian immigrant communities, which make up an important part of the urban population in the Tri-Border Area, are estimated to number approximately 50,000. [Cite news | title=Paraguay's Ciudad del Este and the New Centers of Gravity | publisher=Foreign Military Studies Office | date=April, 2002 | accessdate=April 2006 | url= http://frso.loeaveworth.army.mil/documents/paraguay/paraguay.htm]Tourism
At the Hito Tres Fronteras, the Iguazú and the Paraná rivers converge. It is an important tourist area, within the touristic subregion of the
Región de las Aguas Grandes , with key hydroelectric resources. Visitors can see the Tancredo Neves bridge, which connects the Argentine city ofPuerto Iguazú and its Brazilian neighbor,Foz do Iguaçu .At this landmark, one can see all three countries simultaneously. Furthermore, a visitor can see an obelisk in each country, painted with the national colors of the country in which it is located. Also, there is an artisanal fair at this landmark, where one can buy artisanal and artistic works characteristic of the surrounding area.
The particular geography of the border region makes very difficult to guard every inch of the territory, facilitating and promoting
organized crime and the illicit activities connected with it. [ [http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~content=a780502437~db=all~order=page Cristiana Brafman Kittner, "The Role of Safe Havens in Islamist Terrorism", The Journal of Terrorism and Political Violence, September 2007] . ] In2002 , and again in2006 , theUnited States Treasury Department mentioned in a memo that there are "clear examples" of Islamic groups in the region that "finance terrorist activities". Groups like Egypt'sal-Gama'a al-Islamiyya ,Islamic Jihad ,Hezbollah , andAl Qaeda are believed to draw some of their funding from activities in the Triple Frontier. [ [http://www.newyorker.com/fact/content/articles/021028fa_fact2 Jeffrey Goldberg, "In the Pary of God", The New Yorker, 28 October 2002] .] The Paraguayan side of the Triple Frontier could be serving as a haven for terrorist operations as that nation has no anti-terrorism laws. Thus, financially contributing to terrorist organizations is not punishable by law. Suspected terrorists are instead apprehended under tax evasion and other charges of similar nature.In response to the situation, a military training agreement with
Asunción (Paraguay), giving immunity to US soldiers, caused some concern after media reports initially reported that a base housing 20,000 US soldiers was being built atMariscal Estigarribia . [ [http://www.clarin.com/suplementos/zona/2005/09/11/z-03615.htm US Marines put a foot in Paraguay] ,El Clarín ,September 9 ,2005 es icon.] Paraguay approved the entry in May 2006 of 400 US soldiers "for joint military exercises, such as programs on fighting urban terrorists, public security and humanitarian assistance," according to the "Washington Post ". However, in October 2006 Paraguay decided not to renew such immunity from prosecution by theInternational Criminal Court (ICC). [ [http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/10/03/AR2006100301627.html Paraguay Hardens U.S. Military Stance] , "The Washington Post ", October 10, 2006 ]On
16 June , the governments of the three nations stated they would set up a joint intelligence centre in Foz de Iguazu specifically to monitor the situation. [ [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/4798807.stm Agency to monitor tri-border area] ,BBC ,August 17 ,2005 .]ee also
*Four Corners
*Foreign relations of the United States References
External links
* [http://www.pulitzercenter.org/openitem.cfm?id=235 Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting] Clouds Over Iguaçu (Video)
* [http://www.janes.com/security/law_enforcement/news/jir/jir060926_1_n.shtml South America's regional centre for illegal activities] Jane's Intelligence Review,26 September 2006
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