Fallen Earth

Fallen Earth

Infobox VG| title = Fallen Earth
No Box Image Available
developer = Fallen Earth, LLC.
publisher =
designer =
engine = Icarus Platform
released = TBA
genre = MMORPG
modes = Multiplayer
ratings = TBA
platforms = Microsoft Windows
media =
requirements = Microsoft Windows
Pentium 4 2.0 GHz or AMD Athlon CPU, 1 GB RAM, DirectX 8.1a

NVIDIA Geforce 5 or better
*Hardware TnL
DSL Internet (TCP/IP) Connection (required)
input = Keyboard, mouse

"Fallen Earth" is a science fiction MMORPG in development by Fallen Earth, LLC, a spin-off from Icarus Studios, LLC. [cite web |url=http://fe.warcry.com/news/view/73004-Icarus-Platform-Interview-with-Chris-Gardner |title=Icarus Platform Interview with Chris Gardner |accessdate=2007-06-21 |publisher=WarCry Network ] It is set in a post-apocalyptic world.


The "Fallen Earth" story takes place in the 22nd century, in a post-apocalyptic world. In the ruins of old Earth the player encounters genetically altered beasts, advanced technology, and warring "Factions". Some factions seek to rebuild the old world while others, such as C.H.O.T.A., wish to destroy it. The game is set in the Grand Canyon Province, a 7,000 square kilometre area surrounding the Hoover Dam. [cite web |url=http://mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm/setview/features/loadFeature/78/gameID/126 |title=Fallen Earth: Interview with Christophe Watkins |accessdate=2007-06-21 |publisher=MMORPG.com] The environment is set in "sectors" which can be advanced through at the players own pace, each of which continue the story-arc of the game.

Development Status

The Fallen Earth developers announced in a press release that the game was feature complete in mid-June 2008 [cite web |url=http://www.fallenearth.com/?page=press |title=Fallen Earth Press Releases |accessdate=2008-06-20 |publisher=Fallen Earth, LLC] and achieved content complete status in October 2008. [cite web |url=http://forums.fallenearth.com/fallenearth/showthread.php?t=4021 |title=Fallen Earth hits content complete development goal |publisher=Fallen Earth, LLC |accessdate=2008-10-03 |publishdate=2008-10-02] Closed alpha testing began in mid-August 2008, with beta expected to begin in Q1 2009. [Cite web |url=http://forums.fallenearth.com/fallenearth/showthread.php?t=3647 |title=Fallen Earth Announces Alpha Test |accessdate=2008-09-11 |publisher=Fallen Earth, LLC |publishdate=2008-08-12]

The developers are aiming for a Mature rating and trying to avoid an Adults Only rating. While there will be violence, cursing, and acts of questionable morality, the topics of sex and torture will be avoided. [Cite web |url=http://forums.fallenearth.com/fallenearth/showthread.php?t=3288 |title=Question of the Week: July 3, 2008 - Rating, Servers, Promotion, Movie, Item Customization, Day/Night Cycle |publisher=Fallen Earth, LLC |accessdate=2008-09-11]

Game Features

Character Creation

"Fallen Earth" promises to have thousands of facial and body combinations for players to create their character from including: faces, skin tones, hairstyles, body and facial hair, piercings, body art "(tattoos)", and makeup.

Character Development

"Fallen Earth" does not use a class-based system and skills are increased through a level-based system. Players can also earn Advancement Points (APs) which can be used to raise skills, attributes and mutation skills. [cite web|url=http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm/setview/features/loadFeature/1190/gameID/126/page/1 |title=Fallen Earth: Interview with Lee Hammock |accessdate=2007-06-21 |publisher=MMORPG.com ]


" Fallen Earth" will have thousands of items of varying strength for players to choose from and as many as 22 slots to equip these accessories. Further more, you won't just be able to wear items, you'll be able to wear them the way you want to. In Newsletter #5 "(November 2005)" the developers revealed that you'll be able to wear baseball caps forward or backwards, tuck or untuck your shirt, and even zip your jacket up or leave it open. Other indepth customizations like this have yet to come to light.
*Possible Equipment "(Clothing, Armor)"
**Bandanas, hockey masks, gas masks, cowboy hats, top hats, welding helmets, sunglasses, eye patches, goggles, etc.
**Jackets "(jean, leather)", t-shirts, shoulder pads, trench coats, tank tops, etc.


"Fallen Earth" will allow its players to carry as many as 6 active weapons which will be a part of your character's appearance "(visible to yourself and other players.)" Screenshots, videos, and subsequent newsletters have revealed a small list of weapons to appear in "Fallen Earth" such as a baseball bat and rocket propelled grenades.


"Fallen Earth" will feature a range of vehicles, from small, fast motorcycles with little carrying capacity to a heavy duty Tornado jeep-style vehicle with a large carrying capacity. Each of the available vehicles differs in speed, fuel type and efficiency, cargo capacity, armor and weaponry. Characters can own up to 5 vehicles, which are aquired through research and crafting (up to 3 weeks non-stop in some cases). [Cite web |url=http://www.fallenearth.com/?page=newvehicles |title=New Vehicles |publisher=Fallen Earth, LLC |publishdate=2008-07-22 |accessdate=2008-09-11] [Cite web |url=http://forums.fallenearth.com/fallenearth/showpost.php?p=123688&postcount=30 |title=Developer response in thread: New Vehicles in Fallen Earth Discussion |publishdate=2008-07-22 |accessdate=2008-09-11 |author=Alec Masters (AKA Lee Hammock)]

* [http://www.fallenearth.com/?page=newvehicles More information and screenshots on vehicles in Fallen Earth]


Everyone starts out neutral in Fallen Earth. Characters can either remain neutral or choose to align themselves with a particular faction. Aligning to a faction will give characters a head start in certain specialist areas (eg. they'll have easier access to learning certain skills). There are also a number of NPC factions with which characters can deal - performing missions which will affect their relationships with each faction.

The alignments of the 6 main factions can be arranged into a "wheel". Each faction has 2 allies, 2 enemy and 1 arch-enemy faction, with the arch-enemy being the faction on the opposite side of the wheel. [Cite web |url=http://forums.fallenearth.com/fallenearth/showthread.php?t=471 |title=Question of the Week: Feb 21, 2007 - How will factions be handled? |publisher=Fallen Earth Developers |accessdate=2007-06-29 ]

Each of the main factions has a number of sub-groups that differ in their take on the factions ideology. While some of these sub-factions are known, many a secretive and will only reveal their existance to those they trust. Characters can become members of a sub-faction and gain special title, abilities and equipment. Some sub-factions are mutually exclusive, but not all are. [Cite web |url=http://forums.fallenearth.com/fallenearth/showthread.php?t=1630 |title=Question of the Week: August 29, 2007 - FE QotW Omnibus |author=Fallen Earth Developers |accessdate=2007-12-30]


Roots: Military and police forces, first responders and emergency support personnel.

Since The Fall: Dedicated to the belief that order and civilization will only be restored and willing to place their weapons and their lives behind that belief, the Enforcers march a narrow and precarious path – balancing between defending order and becoming a dictatorship.

Children of the Apocalypse

Roots: Anarchists, survivalists, paramilitary militia, rebels of society.

Since The Fall: Gathered into a loose confederation, the primal and nomadic CHOTA harass and disrupt attempts to re-build and re-establish society - striking, destroying, and then moving on in search of their next target


Roots: Environmentalists, alternate energy entrepreneurs, seekers of holistic forms of medicine, health and organic food

Since The Fall: Devoted to the preservation of the natural world, the Vista’s kept knowledge in plant and herbal medicine alive, expanded research with genetic and agricultural skills essential to survival, but their opposition to the resurrection of advanced synthetic technologies creates tension with those who remember how comfortable things seemingly were – and could be again


Roots: Scientists, technologists, professors and researchers in all science fields

Since The Fall: Primarily devoted to maintaining what vestiges of pre-Fall science and technology remain, the Techs are also constantly on the alert for opportunities to rediscover and re-implement the technologies that some say played a part in causing the Fall


Roots: Visionaries and followers of spirit paths, faithful devotees of mind powers and healing arts

Since The Fall: Devoting themselves to their vision of bringing Light into the shadows and darkness of the Fallen Earth, the Lightbearers view their path as the only true path, and their mastery of mental and mutational powers makes theirs a faith to be feared as well as followed


Roots: Crime syndicates and cartels, street gangs, secret societies, triads, con artists and thieves

Since The Fall: using their skills and secret networks to create an “underground economy”, the Travelers blend in to deceive… and are both a threat to the re-establishment of civilization and providers of otherwise unobtainable goods and services


See also

* Apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fiction
* Lee Hammock, Lead Game Designer

External links

* [http://www.fallenearth.com Fallen Earth] , "Official Website"
* [http://icarusstudios.com/ Icarus Studios, LLC.] , "Developers of the Icarus Platform, used by Fallen Earth"
* [http://www.fe-infoterminal.com/ FE-InfoTerminal.com] , "Your source for all things Fallen Earth"
* [http://fallenearth.wikia.com Unofficial Fallen Earth Wiki (Wikia)] , "Unofficial community wiki"
* Media: (Note: Fallen Earth went through an graphics revamp in mid-2008 - most of the content on the sites below is pre-revamp and not representative of current ingame graphics).
** [http://fe.warcry.com/images/ Fallen Earth on Warcry] Fallen Earth screenshots & art
** [http://fallenearth.fr/video-5 In Game Video (35min)]

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