Atlantic bonito

Atlantic bonito

name = Atlantic bonito

image_width = 240px
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Actinopterygii
ordo = Perciformes
familia = Scombridae
genus = "Sarda"
species = "S. sarda"
binomial = "Sarda sarda"
binomial_authority = (Bloch, 1793)
The Atlantic bonito, "Sarda sarda" is a large mackerel-like fish of the family Scombridae. It is common in shallow waters of the Atlantic Ocean where it is an important commercial and game fish.


Atlantic bonito belong to a group which have the dorsal fins very near, or separated by a narrow interspace. It has the body completely scaled with those scales in the pectoral fin area and the lateral line usually larger in size. Bonitos (fishes in the genus "Sarda") differ from tuna by their compressed bodies, by having no teeth on the roof of the mouth, and by certain coloring differences.

Atlantic bonito share Atlantic waters with the striped bonito, "Sarda orientalis" (the Atlantic population of which is sometimes considered a separate species, "Sarda velox"). The striped bonito has been taken on the Atlantic coast as far north as Cape Cod. It is similar in its habits, but somewhat smaller than the more common Atlantic bonito. The Atlantic bonito can be distinguished from its relative by its dark oblique stripes on the back and with a maxillary only about half as long as the head; whereas the striped bonito has striping on its topside nearly horizontal and a maxillary more than half the length of the head.

Atlantic bonito grow up to 75 cm (30 in) and weighs 5-6 kg (10 to 12 pounds) at this size. The world record is 18 pounds 4 ounces, and was caught in the Azores. [cite news|first=Ken|last=Brant|title=Atlantic Bonito|date=2005-05-02|publisher=ESPN|url =|accessdate= 2008-10-02|]


It is a strong swimmer. Normally it travels in fairly large schools and is common offshore in the vicinity of New York City where it is known as "skipjack" because of its habit of jumping from the water. (However, the name "skipjack" more commonly refers to the skipjack tuna, "Katsuwonus pelamis".) The spawning season is June and specimens 12-15 cm (5-6 inches) long are taken in September off Long Island.


Atlantic bonito eat mackerel, menhaden, alewives, silversides, sand lance, and other fishes, as well as squid.

Fishing technique

It is often captured by tuna fishermen when trolling for bigger game. Also it is taken in larger numbers in pound nets. Thought by most fishermen to be inferior to tuna as a food fish, possibly because of the greater oiliness. Some of it, nonetheless, is canned. It can be cut by fishermen and used as bait.


* E. C. Raney "Atlantic Bonito." "The Wise Fishermen's Encyclopedia" (1951).*

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