- Alewife
name = Alewife
image_width = 250px
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Chordata
classis =Actinopterygii
ordo =Clupeiformes
familia =Clupeidae
genus = "Alosa "
subgenus = "(Pomolobus)"
species = "A. (P.) pseudoharengus"
binomial = "Alosa (Pomolobus) pseudoharengus"
binomial_authority = (Wilson, 1811)The alewife ("Alosa pseudoharengus") is a species of
herring . There are anadromous and landlocked forms. The landlocked form is also called a sawbelly or mooneye (although this latter name is more commonly applied to "Hiodon " spp.). The front of the body is deep and larger than other fish found in the same waters, and its common name is said to come from comparison with a corpulent female tavernkeeper ("ale-wife"). [Oxford English Dictionary , Second Edition] InAtlantic Canada it is known as the gaspereau. More locally, in southwesternNova Scotia it is called a kiack (or kyack). [ [http://www.gov.ns.ca/fish/sportfishing/species/ale.shtml Nova Scotia Fisheries: Alewife] ] This fish has, in the past, been used as a baitfish for the lobster fishing industry. It is also used for human consumption, usually smoked. It is caught (during its migration up stream) using large dip nets to scoop the fish out of shallow, constricted areas on its migratory streams and rivers. It is one of the "typical" North Americanshad s of thesubgenus "Pomolobus". (Faria "et al." 2006)In the North American Great Lakes
Alewives are perhaps best known for their invasion of the
Great Lakes by using theWelland Canal to bypassNiagara Falls . Alewives colonized the Great Lakes and became abundant mostly in lakes Huron and Michigan. They reached their peak abundance by the 1950s and 1960s. Alewives grew in number unchecked because of the lack of a top predator in the lakes (lake trout were essentially wiped out around the same time byoverfishing and the invasion of the Atlantic sealamprey ). For a time, alewives, which often exhibit seasonal die offs, washed up in windrows on the shorelines of the Great Lakes. Their control was the impetus for the introduction of variousPacific Salmon species (first coho, and later thechinook salmon ) to act aspredator s on them. This caused the development of a salmon/alewife fish community, popular with many sport anglers. Alewives, however, have been implicated in the decline of many native Great Lakes species throughcompetition and predation.References
* (2006): A molecular phylogenetic perspective on the evolutionary history of "Alosa" spp. (Clupeidae). "Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution" 40(1): 298–304. doi|10.1016/j.ympev.2006.02.008 (HTML abstract)
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