List of state leaders in 431

List of state leaders in 431


*Kingdom of the Vandals and Alans - Geiseric, King of the Vandals and Alans (428-477)


*Copán - K'inich Yax K'uk' Mo', King of Copán (c.426-437)
*Palenque - K'uk' B'alam I, Ajaw of Palenque (431-435)
*Teotihuacán - Spearthrower Owl/Atlatl Cauac, Emperor of Teotihuacán (374-439)
*Tikal - Siyah Chan K'awil II , King of Tikal (411-456)


*China (Sixteen Kingdoms/Southern and Northern Dynasties Periods) -
** Liu Song Dynasty - Emperor Wen, Emperor of Liu Song (424-453)
** Northern Liang Dynasty - Emperor Juqu Mengxun, Emperor of Northern Liang (401-433)
** Northern Wei Dynasty - Emperor Tai Wu Di, Emperor of Northern Wei (424-452)
** Northern Yan Dynasty - Emperor Féng Hóng, Emperor of Northern Yan (430-436)
** Western Qin Dynasty - Emperor Qǐfú Mùmò, Emperor of Western Qin (428-431)
** Xia Dynasty - Emperor Hèlián Dìng, Emperor of Xia (428-431)
*Gupta Empire - Kumara Gupta I, Gupta Emperor (415-455)
*Japan (Kofun Era) - Emperor Ingyō, Emperor of Japan (c. 411-c. 453)
*Korea (Three Kingdoms) -
**Baekje - Biyu, King of Baekje (427-454)
**Goguryeo - Jangsu, King of Goguryeo (413-490)
**Silla - Nulji, King of Silla (417-458)
*Pallava - Skanda Varman III, King of Pallava (400-438)


*Burgundy - Gundicar, King of Burgundy (413-436)
*Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire - Theodosius II, Eastern Roman Emperor (408-450)
*Galicia (Gallaecia) - Hermeric, Suebi King of Galicia (409-438)
*Ireland - Lóegaire mac Néill, High King of Ireland (c. 428-c. 458)
*Salian Franks - Clodio, King of Salian Franks (426-447)
*Visigoths - Theodoric I, King of the Visigoths (419-451)
*Western Roman Empire - Valentinian III, Western Roman Emperor (425-455)

Middle East

*Sassanid Empire - Bahram V, Sassanid King (420-438)

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