- Gloria Lee
Infobox Person
name = Gloria Lee
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birth_date = 1925
birth_place =
death_date =December 3 ,1962
death_place =
occupation =Flight attendant
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parents =
children =Gloria Lee (1925 -
December 3 ,1962 ) was an airline flight attendant and a follower ofOahspe who became part of the 1950scontactee movement in 1953.Lee claimed to be in telepathic communication with an entity known as JW, who lived on the planet
Jupiter , and began to assemble a book of his spiritual teachings as dictated to her. At his direction she founded the "Cosmon Research Foundation" for the purpose of publication and study of JW's superhuman wisdom, much of which bore some resemblance to the 1882 teachings ofOahspe .lecture circuit and attracted considerable public attention. During her lectures, Lee sold copies of her book of revelations, "Why We Are Here!" (1959). The year of her death, a second "JW" book was published, "The Changing Conditions of Your Planet" (1962).
Lee developed a plan for world peace and a space station design and took them to Washington DC in late 1962 in an attempted to bring them to the attention of officials. However, after being rebuffed, she launched a
hunger strike or protest fast, telling others in the UFOcontactee community that she expected to enter a coma resembling death, then "return" with renewed spiritual energy to carry on her "great work". However, the press were not notified of Lee's hunger strike until some time after it had begun, and she attracted no publicity. After approximately 66 days without eating Lee was taken to George Washington University Hospital where she died onDecember 3 ,1962 .After her death, Charles Boyd Gentzel, the founder of [http://www.thenewearth.org/markage.html Mark-Age, Inc.] , and his partner Pauline Sharpe (also known as Nada-Yolanda), claimed to be
channelling spirit messages from Lee on behalf of their own UFO-contact cult.Lee is not the only contactee or would-be contactee to starve herself to death. In November 1982, [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9807E3DA1239F933A15752C1A964948260 LaVerne Landis] , a member of the UFO cult Search and Prove, died of starvation while waiting in her car in the northern Minnesota woods for over 40 days for a flying saucer to land, after being reportedly being told to wait there during
psychic contact with a Space Brother.External links
* [http://www.unexplainedstuff.com/Religious-Phenomena/UFO-Cults.html Survey of 1950s contactees, including Lee]
* [http://danielfry.com/index.php?id=1193 1963 newsletter from contactee Daniel Fry announcing Lee's death]
* [https://webspace.utexas.edu/cokerwr/www/index.html/sbrothers.shtml General Overview of 1950s Contactees]
* [http://www.thenewearth.org/markage.html Mark-Age, Inc.]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.