Vector potential

Vector potential

In vector calculus, a vector potential is a vector field whose curl is a given vector field. This is analogous to a "scalar potential", which is a scalar field whose negative gradient is a given vector field.

Formally, given a vector field v, a "vector potential" is a vector field A such that : mathbf{v} = abla imes mathbf{A}.

If a vector field v admits a vector potential A, then from the equality : abla cdot ( abla imes mathbf{A}) = 0(divergence of the curl is zero) one obtains: abla cdot mathbf{v} = abla cdot ( abla imes mathbf{A}) = 0,which implies that v must be a solenoidal vector field.

An interesting question is then if any solenoidal vector field admits a vector potential. The answer is affirmative, if the vector field satisfies certain conditions.


Let :mathbf{v} : mathbb R^3 o mathbb R^3be solenoidal vector field which is twice continuously differentiable. Assume that v(x) decreases sufficiently fast as ||x||→∞. Define

: mathbf{A} (mathbf{x}) = frac{1}{4 pi} abla imes int_{mathbb R^3} frac{ mathbf{v} (mathbf{y})}{left|mathbf{x} -mathbf{y} ight , dmathbf{y}. Then, A is a vector potential for v, that is,: abla imes mathbf{A} =mathbf{v}.

A generalization of this theorem is the Helmholtz decomposition which states that any vector field can be decomposed as a sum of a solenoidal vector field and an irrotational vector field.


The vector potential admitted by a solenoidal field is not unique. If A is a vector potential for v, then so is

: mathbf{A} + abla m where "m" is any continuously differentiable scalar function. This follows from the fact that the curl of the gradient is zero.

This nonuniqueness leads to a degree of freedom in the formulation of electrodynamics, or gauge freedom, and requires choosing a gauge.

See also

* Fundamental theorem of vector analysis
* Magnetic potential
* Solenoid


* "Fundamentals of Engineering Electromagnetics" by David K. Cheng, Addison-Wesley, 1993.

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