

Historically, Brabant has been the name of several administrative entities in the Low Countries with quite different geographical extent:
* The Carolingian pagus Bracbatensis, located between the rivers Scheldt and Dijle between the 9th and 11th century;
* Brabant (landgraviat), the part of the pagus between the rivers Dender and Dijle (from 1085/1086 up to 1183/1184);
* Duchy of Brabant: territory established in 1183-84, covering approximately the present Dutch province North Brabant and the three Belgian provinces Antwerp, Walloon Brabant and Flemish Brabant, and the Brussels-Capital Region.
* Province of Brabant in Belgium, which in 1995 was split up into Flemish Brabant and Walloon Brabant.
* North Brabant, a province of the Netherlands.
* East Brabant, the Brabant area East of Brussels, also referred to as the Hageland (= the area between the 4 cities Leuven, Aarschot, Diest and Tienen)
* Klein Brabant, the municipalities Bornem, Puurs and Sint-Amands in the Antwerp province of Flanders.

Along the international border between the Netherlands and Belgium there are a few enclaves and exclaves, as relicts of the old duchy of Brabant: the municipalities Baarle-Hertog (Belgium) and Baarle-Nassau (Netherlands).

ee also

* The Brabant massacres 1982–85, a series of unexplained terrorist attacks in Belgium, linked to the Nijvel gang and the Belgian stay-behind network.
* Brabantic, a dialect of the Dutch language.
* Brabant, West Virginia, USA.
* Belgian (horse), some of which are referred to as Brabant, if originating from West-Brabant.
* Brabant Island, in Antarctica
* Le Morne Brabant, Mountain on Mauritius

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