Hazardous waste

Hazardous waste

The term hazardous waste comprises all toxic chemicals, radioactive materials, and biologic or infectious waste. These materials threaten workers through occupational exposure and the general public in their homes, communities, and general environment. Exposure to these materials can occur near the site of generation, along the path of its transportation, and near their ultimate disposal sites. Most hazardous waste results from industrial processes that yield unwanted byproducts, defective products, and spilled materials. The generation and disposal of hazardous wastes is controlled through a variety of international and national regulations.

Hazardous waste was formerly known as 'special' waste.

ee also

* Bamako Convention
* Environmental remediation
* Hazardous waste in the United States
* Hazco
* Household Hazardous Waste
* Land disposal unit (LDU)
* List of solid waste treatment technologies
* List of topics dealing with environmental issues
* List of waste management companies
* List of waste management topics
* Mixed waste (radioactive/hazardous)
* Pollution
* Radioactive waste
* Recycling
* Toxic waste
* Triad (environmental science)
* Waste types

External links

* [http://www.home-air-purifier-expert.com/household-chemical.html The Household Chemical Encyclopedia - Over 1000 Potential Sources of Household Hazardous Wastes]
* [http://www.sanjour.us What Did We Know About Hazardous Waste and When Did We Know It] , a February 2002 essay by William Sanjour
* [http://www.cleanupwaste.com/ The hazardous waste professional information source]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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