

Infobox Television
show_name = P.O.V.

genre = Documentary
creator = Marc Weiss
developer = Marc Weiss
theme_music_composer =
opentheme =
endtheme =
composer =
country = USA
language =
num_seasons = 21
num_episodes = 250+
list_episodes =
executive_producer =
co_exec =
producer = American Documentary, Inc.
camera =
runtime =
network = PBS
picture_format =
audio_format =
first_aired = July 5 1988
last_aired = present
website = http://www.pbs.org/pov
production_website = http://www.amdoc.org/aboutus.php
imdb_id = 0795174

"P.O.V." ("point of view") is a PBS television series which features independent nonfiction films.

"P.O.V." is the longest-running showcase on television for independent documentary films. [cite web |url=http://www.pbs.org/pov/utils/aboutpov.html |title=About P.O.V. At a Glance |publisher=PBS |accessdate=2008-01-20] PBS presents 14-16 "P.O.V." programs each year, and the series has premiered over 250 films to U.S. television audiences since 1988.cite web |url=http://www.amdoc.org/aboutus.php |title=American Documentary, Inc. About Us |accessdate=2008-01-20] "P.O.V."'s films have a strong first-person, social-issue focus. Many established directors, including Michael Moore, Jonathan Demme, Terry Zwigoff, Errol Morris, Albert and David Maysles, Michael Apted, Frederick Wiseman, Marlon Riggs, and Ross McElwee have had work screened as part of the "P.O.V." series.

The series has garnered both critical and industry acclaim over its 20-plus years on television. "P.O.V." programs have also won major industry awards including three Oscars, 19 Emmys, 36 Cine Golden Eagles and 11 Peabody Awards.



* "American Tongues" by Louis Alvarez and Andrew Kolker
* "Acting Our Age" by Michal Aviad
* "Fire From the Mountain" by Deborah Shaffer
* "Knocking on Armageddon's Door" by Torv Carlsen, John Magnus
* "Rate It X" by Lucy Winer, Paula de Koenigsberg
* "" by Susana Munoz, Lourdes Portillo
* "The Good Fight" by Noel Buckner, Mary Dore, Sam Sills
* "Metropolitan Avenue" by Christine Noschese
* "Louie Bluie" by Terry Zwigoff
* "Gates of Heaven" by Errol Morris
* "Best Boy" by Ira Wohl


* "Who Killed Vincent Chin?" by Christine Choy, Renee Tajima
* "Coming Out" by Ted Reed
* "The Family Album" by Alan Berliner
* "Dark Circle" by Christopher Beaver, Judy Irving, Ruth Landy
* "" by David Sutherland
* "No Applause, Just Throw Money" by Karen Goodman
* "Partisans Of Vilna" by Aviva Kempner
* "The Fighting Ministers" by Bill Jersey, Richard Wormser
* "Binge" by Lynn Hershman
* "Lost Angeles" by Tom Seidman


* "Through the Wire" by Nina Rosenblum
* "" by Lisa Leeman
* "Larry Wright" by Ari Marcopoulos, Maja Zrnic
* "Letter To The Next Generation" by Jim Klein
* "Salesman" by Albert Maysles, David Maysles, Charlotte Zwerin
* "Police Chiefs" by Alan Raymond, Susan Raymond
* "Kamala And Raji" by Michael Camerini
* "Golub" by Jerry Blumenthal, Gordon Quinn
* "Days of Waiting" by Steven Okazaki
* "Going Up" by Gary Pollard
* "Motel" by Christian Blackwood
* "" by Thomas Anderson
* "People Power" by Ilan Ziv


* "Absolutely Positive" by Peter Adair
* "Marc and Ann" by Les Blank, Maureen Gosling, Chris Simon
* "Honorable Nations" by Chana Gazit, David Steward
* "Chemical Valley" by Mimi Pickering, Anne Lewis Johnson
* "Tongues Untied" by Marlon Riggs
* "Berkeley In The Sixties" by Mark Kitchell
* "A Little Vicious" by Immy Humes
* "The Big Band" by James Toback
* "Maria's Story" by Pamela Cohen, Monona Wali, and Catherine M. Ryan
* "" by Christine Choy, JT Takagi
* "Casting The First Stone" by Julie Gustafson
* "Sa-I-Guɡ" by Dai Sil Kim-Gibson, Christine Choy and Elaine Kim


* "Color Adjustment" by Marlon Riggs
* "Intimate Stranger" by Alan Berliner
* "Finding Christa" by Camille Billops, James Hatch
* "Last Images of War" by Stephen Olsson, Scott Andrews
* "A Season in Hell" by Walter Brock, Stephen Roszell
* "Promise Not to Tell" by Rhea Gavry
* "" by David Van Taylor
* "Fast Food Women" by Anne Lewis Johnson
* "Faith Even to the Fire" by Sylvia Morales, Jean Victor
* "" by Michael Moore
* "Louisiana Boys -- Raised on Politics" by Louis Alvarez, Andrew Kolker, and Paul Stekler


* "" by Tom Joslin, Peter Friedman
* "Who's Going To Pay For These Donuts, Anyway?" by Janice Tanaka
* "When Your Head's Not A Head, It's A Nut" by Garth Stein
* "Compassion In Exile" by Mickey Lemie
* "For Better Or For Worse (documentary film) For Better Or For Worse" by David Collier
* "Money Man" by Philip Haas
* "" by Mark Mori, Susan Robinson
* "Miami-Havana" by Estela Bravo
* "Cousin Bobby" by Jonathan Demme


* "Time Indefinite" by Ross McElwee
* "One Nation Under God" by Teodoro Maniaci, Francine Rzeznik
* "Memories of Tata" by Sheldon Schiffer
* "The End of the Nightstick" by Peter Kuttner, Cyndi Moran, Eric Scholl
* "The Heart of the Matter" by Gini Retickler, Amber Hollibaugh
* "Passin' It On" by Peter Miller, John Valadez
* "Escape From China" by Iris F. Kung
* "Hearts of Darkness" by Fax Bahr, George Hickenlooper
* "Dialogues With Madwomen" by Allie Light
* "" by David Goldsmith, Steven Day


* "Leona's Sister Gerri" by Jane Gilooly
* "Complaints of a Dutiful Daughter" by Deborah Hoffmann
* "No Place Like Home" by Kathryn Hunt
* "" by Ellen Bruno
* "The Uprising of '34" by George Stoney, Judith Helfand, Susanne Rostock
* "" by Paul Stekler, Andrew Kolker, Louis Alvarez
* "Twitch and Shout" by Laurel Chiten
* "" by Jenny Cool
* "Out of Sight" by David Sutherland
* "Dealers Among Dealers" by Gaylen Ross


* "Taking On The Kennedys" by Joshua Seftel
* "" by Freida Lee Mock
* "Personal Belongings" by Steven Bognar
* "" by Ada Gay Griffin, Michele Parkerson
* "a.k.a. Don Bonus" by Spencer Nakasako, Sokly Don Bonus Ny
* "No Loans Today" by Lisanne Skyler
* "The Transformation" by Susana Aiken, Carlos Aparicio
* "The Women Outside" by J.T.Orinne Takagi, Hye Jung Park
* "Just For The Ride" by Amanda Micheli
* "Remembering Wei Yi-fang, Remembering Myself" by Yvonne Welbon
* "Taken for a Ride" by Jim Klein, Martha Olson


* "Nobody's Business" by Alan Berliner
* "Battle for the Minds" by Steven Lipscomb
* "A Healthy Baby Girl" by Judith Helfand
* "Jesse's Gone" by Michael Smith
* "Fear and Learning at Hoover Elementary" by Laura Simon
* "Who is Henry Jaglom?" by Alex Rubin, Jeremy Workman
* "In Whose Honor?" by Jay Rosenstein
* "Girls Like Us" by Jane C. Wagner, Tina DiFeliciantonio
* "Blacks and Jews" by Deborah Kaufman, Bari Scott, Alan Snitow
* "A Perfect Candidate" by R.J. Cutler, David Van Taylor


* "Baby, It's You" by Ann Makepeace
* "Tobacco Blues" by [Eren McGinnis and Christine Fugate
* "The Band" by David Zeiger
* "Licensed to Kill" by Arthur Dong
* "Kelly Loves Tony" by Spencer Nakasako
* "If I Can't Do It" by Walter Brock
* "" by Susan Stern
* "The Vanishing Line" by Maren Monsen
* "Sacrifice" by Ellen Bruno
* "Cuba 15" by Elizabeth Schub
* "Family Name" by Macky Alston


* "Rabbit In The Moon" by Emiko Omori
* "Golden Threads" by Lucy Winer and Karen Eaton
* "In My Corner" by Ricki Stern
* "The Green Monster" by David Finn, David Hess and A.C. Weary
* "" by Lourdes Portillo
* "" by Ben Crane and Slawomir Grünberg
* "The Double Life of Ernesto Gomez Gomez" by Catherine Ryan and Gary Weimberg


* "Regret To Inform" by Barbara Sonneborn and Janet Cole
* "Well-Founded Fear" by Shari Robertson and Michael Camerini
* "Butterfly" by Doug Wolens
* "La Boda" by Hannah Weyer
* "Stranger with a Camera" by Elizabeth Barret
* "Blink" by Elizabeth Thompson
* "Our House in Havana" by Stephen Olsson
* "Dreamland" by Lisanne Skyler
* "" by Jasmine Dellal
* "KPFA On the Air" by Veronica Selver and Sharon Wood
* "Live Free or Die" by Marion Lipschutz and Rose Rosenblatt
* "First Person Plural" by Deann Borshay Liem


* "The Sweetest Sound" by Alan Berliner
* "Scout's Honor" by Tom Shepard
* "" by Aaron Matthews
* "" by Eric Paul Fournier
* "True-Hearted Vixens" by Mylène Moreno
* "Take It From Me" by Emily Abt
* "In The Light of Reverence" by Christopher McLeod
* "Life And Debt" by Stephanie Black
* ""High School" by "Frederick Wiseman"
* "5 Girls" by Maria Finitzo
* "Promises" by B. Z. Goldberg and Justine Shapiro


* "The Smith Family" by Tasha Oldham
* "Boomtown" by Bryan Gunnar Cole
* "Hybrid" by Monteith McCollum
* "Refrigerator Mothers" by David E. Simpson, J.J. Hanley & Gordon Quinn
* "" by Slawomir Grunberg with Jane Greenberg
* "Sweet Old Song" by Leah Mahan
* "Mai's America" by Marlo Poras
* "Senorita Extraviada" by Lourdes Portillo
* "Escuela" by Hannah Weyer


* "Flag Wars" by Linda Goode Bryant and Linda Poitras
* "Georgie Girl" by Annie Goldson and Peter Wells
* "Larry v. Lockney" by Mark Birnbaum and Jim Schermbeck
* "Discovering Dominga" by Patricia Flynn with Mary Jo McConahay
* "The Flute Player" by Jocelyn Glatzer
* "90 Miles" by Juan Carlos Zaldívar
* "" by Lisette Marie Flanary and Evann Siebens
* "West 47th Street" by Bill Lichtenstein and June Peoples
* "Family Fundamentals" by Arthur Dong
* "" by Charley Trujillo and Sonya Rhee
* "State of Denial" by Elaine Epstein
* "What I Want My Words To Do To You" by Madeleine Gavin, Judith Katz, and Gary Sunshine


* "Farmingville" by Carlos Sandoval and Catherine Tambini
* "" by Richard Kassebaum
* "War Feels Like War" by Esteban Uyarra
* "Thirst" by Alan Snitow and Deborah Kaufman
* "" by Paul Stekler
* "A Family Undertaking" by Elizabeth Westrate
* "Every Mother's Son" by Tami Gold and Kelly Anderson
* "" by Jesse Moss
* "Wattstax" by Mel Stuart
* "A Panther in Africa" by Aaron Matthews
* "Lost Boys of Sudan" by Megan Mylan and Jon Shenk


* "The Education of Shelby Knox" by Marion Lipschutz and Rose Rosenblatt
* "Big Enough" by Jan Krawitz
* "Street Fight" by Marshall Curry
* "The Fire Next Time" by Patrice O'Neill
* "The Brooklyn Connection" by Klaartje Quirijns
* "The Self Made Man" by Susan Stern
* "In the Realms of the Unreal" by Jessica Yu
* "Hardwood" by Hubert Davis
* "Bright Leaves" by Ross McElwee
* "Hiding and Seeking" by Oren Rudavsky and Menachem Daum
* "The Hobart Shakespeareans" by Mel Stuart
* "Omar & Pete" by Tod Lending


* "No More Tears Sister" by Helene Klodawsky
* "" by Kenneth Eng
* "Tintin and I" by Anders Ostergaard
* "The Fall of Fujimori" by Ellen Perry
* "Al Otro Lado (To the Other Side)" by Natalia Almada
* "Lomax the Songhunter" by Rogier Kappers
* "The Tailenders" by Adele Horne
* "Waging a Living" by Roger Weisberg
* "The Boys of Baraka" by Heidi Ewing & Rachel Grady
* "Twelve Disciples of Nelson Mandela" by Thomas Allen Harris
* "No Bigger Than a Minute" by Steve Delano
* "" by Vicky Funari & Sergio De La Torre
* "My Country, My Country" by Laura Poitras


* "Rain in a Dry Land" by Anne Makepeace
* "Sierra Leone's Refugee All Stars" by Zach Niles & Banker White
* "Standing Silent Nation" by Suree Towfighnia & Courtney Hermann
* "Revolution '67" by Marylou Tibaldo-Bongiorno
* "The Chances of the World Changing" by Eric Daniel Metzgar & Nell Carden Grey
* "Prison Town, USA" by Katie Galloway & Po Kutchins
* "Following Sean" by Ralph Arlyck
* "Arctic Son" by Andrew Walton
* "Libby, Montana" by Drury Gunn Carr & Doug Hawes-Davis
* "Made in L.A." by Almudena Carracedo & Robert Bahar
* "The Camden 28" by Anthony Giacchino
* "Lumo" by Bent-Jorgen Perlmutt Nelson Walker III Louis Abelman & Lynn True
* "49 Up" by Michael Apted
* "" by Freida Lee Mock

ee also

*"Independent Lens" (PBS series)


External links

* [http://www.pbs.org/pov Official P.O.V. website]

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