- Wavefront coding
In optics, wavefront coding is a method for increasing the
depth of field in an image to produce sharper images. It works by blurring the image using a specially shapedwaveplate so that the image is out of focus by a constant amount.Digital image processing then removes the blur and introduces noise.Dynamic range is sacrificed to extend the depth of field. It can also correctoptical aberration . [http://graphics.stanford.edu/courses/cs448a-06-winter/dowski-wavefront-coding-optics95.pdf Extended depth of field through wave-front coding] ]The technique was pioneered by a
radar engineerEdward Dowski and his thesis adviserThomas Cathey at the University of Colorado in the United States in the 1990s. After the university showed little interest in the research [http://optics.org/cws/article/articles/18342 Wavefront coding keeps a focus on applications] ] they have since founded a company tocommercialize the method calledCDM-Optics . The company was acquired in 2005 byOmniVision Technologies , which has released wavefront-coding-based mobile camera chips asTrueFocus sensors.Wavefront coding falls under the broad category of
computational photography as a technique to enhance the depth of field.ee also
Optical transfer function
*Point spread function External links
* [http://www.cdm-optics.com/?section=Images Applications, with sample pictures]
* [http://www.cdm-optics.com CDM-Optics]
* [http://lfw.pennnet.com/Articles/Article_Display.cfm?Section=ARTCL&ARTICLE_ID=197348&VERSION_NUM=1 Wavefront coding finds increasing use] (Laser Focus World)
* [http://www.ovt.com Omnivision Technologies, Inc.]
* [http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZaQJAafAltk Promotional Video of WaveFront Coding]
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