Connected Device Configuration

Connected Device Configuration

The Connected Device Configuration (CDC) is a specification of a framework for Java ME applications describing the basic set of libraries and virtual-machine features that must be present in an implementation. The CDC is combined with one or more profiles to give developers a platform for building applications on embedded devices ranging from pagers up to set-top boxes.[1] The CDC was developed under the Java Community Process as JSR 36[2] (CDC 1.0.2) and JSR 218[3] (CDC 1.1.2).


Typical requirements

Devices that support CDC typically include a 32-bit CPU with about 2 MB of RAM, and 2.5 MB of ROM available for the Java application environment. The reference implementations for CDC profiles are based on Linux running on an Intel-compatible PC, and optimized implementations are available for a variety of other CPUs and operating systems.[1]


A profile is a set of APIs that support devices with different capabilities and resources within the CDC framework to provide a complete Java application environment. Three profiles are available, which build on each other incrementally and allow application developers to choose the appropriate programming model for a particular device.

Foundation Profile

This is the most basic of the CDC family of profiles. Foundation Profile is a set of Java APIs tuned for low-footprint devices that have limited resources that do not need a graphical user interface system.[4] It provides a complete Java ME application environment for consumer products and embedded devices but without a standards-based GUI system. Version 1.1.2 is specified in JSR 219[5] and implements a subset of Java SE 1.4.2, including a set of security-related optional packages, such as Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS), Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE), and Java Cryptography Extension (JCE).

Personal Basis Profile

The Personal Basis Profile provides a superset of the Foundation Profile APIs and supports a similar set of devices, with lightweight graphical user interface requirements.[6] A framework for building lightweight graphical user interface components is provided with support for some AWT classes. There are no heavyweight GUI components provided because these components assume the availability of a pointing device such as a mouse. The specification is described in JSR 217[7] and is used for products that require a standards-based graphical user interface but without full AWT compatibility. The Xlet application programming model is used for application development within this profile, including advanced content on Blu-ray discs conforming to the BD-J specification.

Personal Profile

The Personal Profile extends the Personal Basis Profile with a GUI toolkit based on AWT.[8] It provides a complete Java ME application environment with full AWT support and is intended for higher end devices, such as PDAs, smart communicators, set-top boxes, game consoles, automobile dashboard electronics, and so on.[9] This is the recommended profile for porting of legacy PersonalJava-based applications. The specification is described in JSR 62[10] and uses the Applet programming model for application development.

Optional Packages

CDC supports a number of optional packages that allow developers to access specific pieces of extra functionality within the restricted resource constraints of a Java ME device.

  • The RMI Optional Package provides a subset of Java SE RMI for distributed-application and network communication.
  • The JDBC Optional Package provides a subset of the JDBC 3.0 API for accessing data sources, including spreadsheets, flat files and relational databases.

See also

External links


  1. ^ a b CDC Overview
  2. ^ JSR 36, CDC 1.0.2
  3. ^ JSR 218, CDC 1.1.2
  4. ^ Foundation Profile Overview
  5. ^ JSR 219, Foundation Profile Specification
  6. ^ Personal Basis Profile Overview
  7. ^ JSR 217, Personal Basis Profile Specification
  8. ^ Personal Profile Overview
  9. ^ J2ME FAQ, Writing an application for the J2ME Personal Profile
  10. ^ JSR 62, Personal Profile Specification

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