

Crescendo, in musical notation, refers to a passage of music during which the volume gradually increases.

It also may mean:

In music
* A Liverpool based electronic pop band
* Crescendo International, a network of Christian classical music professionals and students
*"Diminuendo and Crescendo in Blue", one of Duke Ellington's longer-form compositions
* "Insanity's Crescendo", a song by Dark Tranquillity
* The Crescendos, an early rock and roll group
* A lyric in "Smooth Criminal" by Michael Jackson

In film
*"Crescendo" (1970 film), a 1970 British thriller
* "Crescendo", a 2003 gay pornographic film by French director Jean-Daniel Cadinot.
* A term Alfred Hitchcock used to describe the major setpieces in his films

In computing
* Crescendo, ERP System created by Ignacio Vizcaino Tapia,
* Crescendo Communications was a computer networking company that was acquired by Cisco in the 1990s.
* Crescendo Networks is a company which develops and sells application acceleration devices for data centers
* Crescendo (visual novel), a bishōjo game by the studio Digital Objet.
* Crescendo Systems Corporation is a Canadian company that develops and sells digital dictation, speech recognition and document management software for the healthcare and legal sectors.
* Crescendo is a hentai game.

In languages other than English
*"Crescendo" is an Italian and Portuguese word which means "growing"

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  • crescendo — [ kreʃɛndo; kreʃɛ̃do ] adv. et n. m. • 1775; mot it. « en croissant », de crescere « croître » 1 ♦ Mus. En augmentant progressivement l intensité sonore. ⇒ rinforzando. Passage exécuté crescendo. N. m. Un crescendo. Des crescendo ou des… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • crescendo — CRESCÉNDO adv. (Indică modul de executare a unei bucăţi muzicale) Crescând, sporind progresiv în intensitate. ♦ (Substantivat, n.) Creştere progresivă a intensităţii sunetelor produse de voce sau de instrumente muzicale. – cuv. it. Trimis de… …   Dicționar Român

  • crescendo — Ptkl lauter werdend (musikalische Bezeichnung) per. Wortschatz fach. (18. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus it. crescendo, dem Gerundivum von it. crescere wachsen, zunehmen (aus l. crēscere wachsen zu dessen Sippe s. kreieren).    Ebenso nndl.… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • crescendo — 1. A crescendo, which in Italian means ‘growing’ (from Latin crescere ‘to grow’), is originally a term in music for a gradual increase in loudness or force, or a passage played in this way. From this it developed an extended meaning referring to… …   Modern English usage

  • crescendo — 1. Voz italiana que se usa internacionalmente en el lenguaje musical para indicar que el pasaje al que se refiere debe ejecutarse aumentando gradualmente la intensidad del sonido. Se emplea frecuentemente como sustantivo masculino, con el sentido …   Diccionario panhispánico de dudas

  • crescendo — (del italiano; pronunciamos crechendo ) sustantivo masculino 1. Área: música Término musical con el que se indica en el pentagrama que hay que ir aumentando gradualmente la intensidad de los sonidos: Creo que no interpretas bien el crescendo que… …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • crescendo — (Voz it.), y esta del lat. crescendo, ger. de crescĕre, crecer). 1. m. Aumento gradual de la intensidad del sonido. 2. Aumento progresivo. in crescendo. loc. adv. Con aumento gradual. El enfado del público fue in crescendo …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • Crescendo — (italienisch „anwachsend“) ist die musikalische Vortragsbezeichnung für „lauter werdend“, siehe Dynamik (Musik) Zeitschrift über klassische Musik, siehe crescendo (Zeitschrift) eine von Ernst van Aaken entwickelte Trainingsform mit allmählicher… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Crescendo — (ital., spr. kreschéndo, Mus.), zunehmend, wachsend in der Tonstärke; Zeichen dafür …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • crescendo — 1776 as a musical direction, from It. crescendo increasing, from L. crescendo, abl. of gerund of crescere to increase (see CRESCENT (Cf. crescent)). Figurative use is from 1785. As a verb, from 1900 …   Etymology dictionary

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