Pride of Canterbury

Pride of Canterbury

"Pride of Canterbury" is a cross-channel ferry operated by P&O Ferries. She was the second of four 'European Class' freight ferries ordered for P&O European Ferries Dover-Zeebrugge route. Between 1992 and 2002 she sailed between Dover and Zeebrugge for P&O European Ferries and later P&O Stena Line. She was converted in the winter of 2002/spring 2003 and re-entered service as "Pride of Canterbury" (replacing the ageing "P&OSL Canterbury").She currently sails from Dover to Calais [ [ Dover Ferry Photos - European Pathway/Pride of Canterbury] ] .

In January 2008 she struck a wreck while sheltering off the Kent coast during heavy weather and lost one of her propellers and damaged the prop shaft and gear box [ [ MAIB - Current Investigations] ] . Following emergency repairs in Falmouth she returned to service operating with only 1 propeller. As a result she was unable to operate in rough weather and was frequently laid up in Dover or sheltering off the Kent coast waiting for the wind to drop. It is expected that she will be drydocked at a European repair yard in November to be fitted with a new propeller and then be back in service for Christmas 2008. Currently the vessel is laid up in Dunkerque East pending repairs.

ister Ships

As built the ship was identical to European Seaway and European Highway. The fourth 'European Class' freight ferry was converted to a multi-purpose vessel for the Dover-Calais route and named Pride of Burgundy though she still retained a number of similarities. Following conversion to multi-purpose ship the Pride of Canterbury is nearly identical to the Pride of Kent.

*European Seaway
*Pride of Burgundy
*Pride of Kent (formerly European Highway)

Pride of Canterbury and Pride of Kent are commonly known as the 'Darwin Twins' or 'Darwins' after the project name given by P&O to the conversion of the ships [ [ HHV Ferry - P&O's Darwins] ] .


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